Neural adaptive scene tracing

R Li, D R�ckert, Y Wang, R Idoughi…�- arXiv preprint arXiv�…, 2022 -
… :Neural rendering with implicit neural networks has recently emerged as an attractive proposition
for scene … present Neural Adaptive Scene Tracing (NAScenT), the first neural rendering …

[PDF][PDF] Neural Adaptive Scene Tracing (NAScenT).

R Li, D R�ckert, Y Wang, R Idoughi, W Heidrich�- VMV, 2022 -
neural representation method that represents a scene as an octree with a coordinate-based
neural … method that jointly solves multiple neural networks representation and computational …

RL-based stateful neural adaptive sampling and denoising for real-time path tracing

A Scardigli, L Cavigelli…�- Advances in Neural�…, 2024 -
… the cross-validated results for each scene: For every test scene, we train on all the other
scenes, and output the average PSNR over the whole test scene. We use PSNR as metric …

Acorn: Adaptive coordinate networks for neural scene representation

JNP Martel, DB Lindell, CZ Lin, ER Chan…�- arXiv preprint arXiv�…, 2021 -
… propose an adaptive multiscale neural scene representation that fits large-scale 2D and
complex 3D scenes significantly faster and better than existing neural scene representations. …

Scene representation networks: Continuous 3d-structure-aware neural scene representations

V Sitzmann, M Zollh�fer…�- Advances in Neural�…, 2019 -
… a neural ray marching algorithm with learned, adaptive step size to find ray intersections
with scene … Here, we take inspiration from the classic sphere tracing algorithm [67]. Sphere …

I2-sdf: Intrinsic indoor scene reconstruction and editing via raytracing in neural sdfs

J Zhu, Y Huo, Q Ye, F Luan, J Li, D Xi…�- Proceedings of the�…, 2023 -
… and [47] is that their raytracing is performed on screen space while ours is in a 3D volumetric
space. For a ray r : x = o + tvs, we can trace and intersect it with the neural SDF field. The …

Real-time neural radiance caching for path tracing

T M�ller, F Rousselle, J Nov�k, A Keller�- arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.12372, 2021 -
neural radiance caching method for path-traced global illumination. Our system is designed
to handle fully dynamic scenes… pretraining neural networks to handle novel, dynamic scenes

Neural 3d scene reconstruction with the manhattan-world assumption

H Guo, S Peng, H Lin, Q Wang…�- Proceedings of the�…, 2022 -
… depth maps instead of the full scene models in 3D space. As a … to represent 3D scenes as
implicit neural representations [32… scene and render it into images based on the sphere tracing

Path tracing denoising based on SURE adaptive sampling and neural network

Q Xing, C Chen�- IEEE Access, 2020 -
… two scenes with different distributed effects. First, we examine the path traced Sibenik scene
with … The Anim-Blue Sphere scene is a challenging, path-traced scene containing three balls …

Interactive path tracing and reconstruction of sparse volumes

N Hofmann, J Hasselgren, P Clarberg…�- Proceedings of the ACM�…, 2021 -
… volume path tracing with multiple scattering, temporally stable neural … Additionally, we
integrate neural adaptive sampling to … Our scenes are currently lit from both an HDR environment …