Privacy law that does not protect privacy, forgetting the right to be forgotten

MK Cunningham�- Buff. L. Rev., 2017 - HeinOnline
… In the long term, the right to be forgotten will not realize the goal of ensuring privacy to … to
effectuate privacy goals through the right to be forgotten is emblematic of EU privacy regulation …

Forget About Privacy… or Not?

M Gemo�- Privacy and Identity Management. The Smart�…, 2018 -
This book chapter reflects the content of one of the 2017 IFIP summer school’s workshops.
This workshop’s focus was chiefly around whether one should forget about privacy as a basic …

[PDF][PDF] The web means the end of forgetting

J Rosen�- The New York Times, 2010 -
… On the assumption that strangers may not make it easy for us to escape our pasts, Acquisti
is also studying technologies and strategies of “privacy nudges” that might prompt people to …

Free speech, privacy, and the web that never forgets

J Rosen�- J. on Telecomm. & High Tech. L., 2011 - HeinOnline
… But I think that soft nudges from privacy regulators, not creating a legal right to delete, but
creating incentives to develop apps that would allow this, would be welcome. …

Forget me, forget me not: reconciling two different paradigms of the right to be forgotten

L Siry�- Ky. LJ, 2014 - HeinOnline
… Where the controller determines that the interest of privacy does not rise to a level requiring
the link to the information to be severed, the Court held that either the data protection …

The Right to Forget, Obliterate, Erase: Defending Personal Data Privacy in the Digital Age.

KC Kritikos�- Journal of Information Ethics, 2018 -
… , and legislators reframe the American perception of the RTbF and concludes that at least
a qualified RTbF is not a free speech violation but a necessary privacy right in the digital age. …

Not Forgetting Just Obscuring: American and European Attempts to Maintain Privacy in the Digital Age

J Corrado�- Int'l Comp., Policy & Ethics L. Rev., 2017 - HeinOnline
Forgetting raises many more questions than obscuring information. Information is constantly
… than forgetting. The EU law as it stands does not require or mandate that people forget what …

The Internet Doesn't Forget: Redefining Privacy Through an American Right to Be Forgotten

D Marks�- UCLA Ent. L. Rev., 2016 - HeinOnline
… There can be no privacy in that which is already public; (6) It does not exist in the dissemination
of news and news events, nor in the discussion of events of the life of a person in whom …

Mixed-privacy forgetting in deep networks

A Golatkar, A Achille, A Ravichandran…�- Proceedings of the�…, 2021 -
… applications of forgetting techniques, we introduce a novel notion of forgetting in mixed-privacy
setting, where we know that a “core” subset of the training samples does not need to be …

Please forget where I was last summer: The privacy risks of public location (meta) data

K Drakonakis, P Ilia, S Ioannidis, J Polakis�- arXiv preprint arXiv�…, 2019 -
… metadata and not the tweet content as this allows us to quantify the true extent of the privacy
risks introduced by location metadata: even cautious users that do not explicitly disclose …