Lateralization of cervical spinal cord activity during an isometric upper extremity motor task with functional magnetic resonance imaging

KA Weber II, Y Chen, X Wang, T Kahnt, TB Parrish�- NeuroImage, 2016 - Elsevier
The purpose of this study was to use an isometric upper extremity motor task to detect
activity induced blood oxygen level dependent signal changes in the cervical spinal cord
with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Eleven healthy volunteers performed six 5
minute runs of an alternating left-and right-sided isometric wrist flexion task, during which
images of the cervical spinal cord were acquired with a reduced field-of-view T2*-weighted
gradient-echo echo-planar-imaging sequence. Spatial normalization to a standard spinal�…

Corrigendum to “Lateralization of cervical spinal cord activity during an isometric upper extremity motor task with functional magnetic resonance imaging”[NeuroImage�…

KA Weber, Y Chen, X Wang, T Kahnt, TB Parrish�- NeuroImage, 2017 -
The authors discovered an error in the description of the imaging parameters used for the
acquisition of the functional images on page 234. The acquisition matrix should have been
128� 44, and the field-of-view should have been 128� 44 mm2. The sentence should read
as follows: For the functional images, thirty-one transverse slices of the cervical spinal cord
were acquired with a T2*-weighted gradient-echo echo-planar-imaging sequence using
ZOOMit selective field-of-view imaging (TR= 2500 ms, TE= 30 ms, flip angle= 80, acquisition�…