The Fascist Dystopian Universe is a universe where Earth is ruled by a fascist dictatorship. It was one of several similar universes Rick ended up in after he accidentally died on Forbodulon Prime.
The Rick Sanchez of this universe was a political figure and had previously helped the President with sterilizing China, for which Rick received a signed photo of the two men shaking hands. Prior to helping the fascist regime's takeover, Rick had a more normal relationship with his Morty; even going on fun adventures together. This shift in Rick's priorities greatly annoyed Morty, who missed the old fun trips with his grandfather.
Rick Sanchez appeared in this universe when his backup accidentally got rerouted to this Rick's Operation Phoenix. While this universe's Rick wanted to kill the foreign Rick, Morty instead killed his own grandfather and forced the new Rick to go on a "classic Rick and Morty adventure" with him. The two flew into space in Rick's Space Cruiser with Gearhead in the back, but a scuffle involving a Mr. Meeseeks ended in the death of everyone in the Space Cruiser.
Notable inhabitants[]
- Fascist Rick
- Fascist Morty
- The President
- Fascist Gearhead
Due to Andre Curtis still being the president of "Fascist America", it's likely the Fascist utopia universe isn't racial hierarchy based like Nazi Germany despite the iconography, instead making it more like Mussolini's Italy or Franco's Spain.