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Climate action

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Climate action (or climate change action) refers to a range of activities, mechanisms, policy instruments and so forth that aim to reduce the severity of human induced climate change and its impacts. "More climate action" is a central demand of the climate movement. Climate inaction is the absence of climate action.


  • When we look at the rising ocean temperatures, rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and so on, we know that they are climbing far more steeply than can be accounted for by the natural oscillation of the weather … What people (must) do is to change their behavior and their attitudes … for our upcoming generation we have to do something, and we have to demand for government support.
  • The fact that your neighbor can look at your solar panels and ask you questions has more impact than just listening to experts on TV.
    • Brooke Betts, VP U.S. Climate Campaign, Rare, no title, from Twitter, (19 April, 2023).
  • Climate messages are most impactful when they resonate with and affirm a person’s underlying values and identities.
  • There’s a psychological phenomenon called ‘reactance,’ that means when people believe that their choices are being limited or they’re going to have to engage in costly behaviors, they’re likely to push back against that and the message can backfire.
  • In an integrated system, all of the products of an interaction can cycle locally. Food scraps from the table can feed the chickens. Chicken waste can feed the worms. Worms can feed the chickens. Worm castings can provide the nutrients for vegetables. Vegetable trimmings can feed the chickens. The chickens, eggs and vegetables can feed the people producing the table scraps.
  • Freed from the ‘tyranny of the two-by-four and four-by-eight,’...we can build a house out of anything.
    • Bruce, Heidi (10 May 2024), "[yesmagazine.org/issue/home/2012/05/10/6-ideas-for-sensible-homes 6 Ideas for Sensible Homes]", Yes! Magazine 
  • It seems highly likely to me that climate change poses a major problem for the planet. I say “highly likely” rather than “certain” because I have no scientific aptitude and remember well the dire predictions of most “experts” about Y2K. It would be foolish, however, for me or anyone to demand 100% proof of huge forthcoming damage to the world if that outcome seemed at all possible and if prompt action had even a small chance of thwarting the danger.
  • There’s a lot of knowledge built up in experience, and there’s a lot of energy that’s stored in young people....When you put those two together, you have … an excellent recipe for potential success
  • Global warming causing climate change may be the ultimate issue that unites us all.
    • Louise Burfitt-Dons, Humanitarian Campaigner, in a speech at the Institute of Physics, London, (June 2008).
  • The single biggest thing that an individual can do to combat climate change is to stop eating animals. Because of the huge, huge carbon footprint of animal agriculture. I was shocked to find out that animal agriculture directly or indirectly accounts for 14.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions, compared to all transportation – every ship, car, truck, plane on the planet only accounts for 13%. Less than animal agriculture. So most people think that buying a Prius is the answer, and it’s certainly not wrong, but it’s not the biggest agent of climate change.
  • People always use palm oil, it’s everywhere, but because of shareholder advocacy and proxy voting, investors were able to make sure there was less deforestation in Southeast Asia.

Listen with Speechify”[, ‘’MIT Climate Portal’', (22 January, 2018).

  • In any given neighborhood, there is a huge collection of things that are owned by individuals but could become shared resources. In a single community of fifty homes, there might be close to fifty complete sets of home tools, car seats for newborns and toddlers, toys for every stage of child development, cookbooks, plumbing snakes, clothing of every size and color, furniture, old monitors, camping gear, and so on.
  • ..most people find it easier to think about their own health than that of the planet, so emphasising the health benefits of low-carbon activities like cycling instead of driving, or insulating draughty homes, might be a better way to go.
  • Avoiding wastefulness in energy use, improving health outcomes, conserving green spaces and forests, creating a sense of pride in rebuilding the Great British energy system, and fostering a sense of responsibility to future generations are ways of talking about climate change that are more likely to resonate than guilt-laden messages about self-sacrifice.
  • Scientists say solar panels lower peak demand on stressed traditional grids and have reduced the amount of infrastructure dollars that energy utilities must invest. By hooking your solar panels to the grid, you’re sneakily a hands-on investor in your local utilities.
  • We dismantled a building on the ETH campus, the material of which was to be disposed of afterwards. It was the students who urged to keep the components. Without their pressure, this would not have been possible. The young generation holds us accountable for our actions.
    • Catherine De Wolf, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at ETH Zurich. Circular Building the Easy Way, ‘’World-Architects.com’’, (8 February, 2023).
  • Overall, the (new) paper is one more twig in the bundle of concerns that low-lying coastal cities, and especially Pacific islands, are highly vulnerable to this problem of sea-level rise, [sic] these Pacific islands have contributed almost nothing to the problem of global warming.
  • I know myself to be more helpful when I have addressed my own needs: needs for good food and good company, for hope, for long afternoons in the sunshine… I know that hope is not a happy accident. Hope is a right we must protect.
  • Choosing to eat fewer animal products is probably the most important action an individual can take to reverse global warming—it has a known and significant effect on the environment, and, done collectively, would push the culture and the marketplace with more force than any march.
  • Those jobs would have a multiplying effect, as the woman who gets a good job as a solar installer is going to spend money in her local community.
  • Australia ran a certification and training program for building a workforce that also certified the installers as inspectors. This made the process of purchasing and installing solar in Australia simple and doable in a matter of days.
  • Eager student volunteers from Frederick Douglass [Academy High School]...helped with mowing, preparing the soil, and [built] the initial 30 garden beds—which grew to 58 the second year.
  • I begin with the values that I share with whomever I am talking to....something as simple as wondering where our water will be coming from in 20 years; worrying about the local economy; caring for our children; or our desire to live out the faith that is central to who we are.
  • Members of Congress are more open to listening to POW athletes because we’re on the front lines of climate change.
  • Libraries of Things are rolling together all the things people only infrequently need and bringing them together in one place, so they have something for everyone. Pay one membership or subscription fee, and you can borrow everything from camping gear to a popcorn maker.
  • ...we’ve got to get the building trades organizations, the construction trades, and the oil workers. These are the people who need to be brought on board in terms of climate.
  • If we want labor to be effective in terms of fighting global warming, we’ve got to have laws that are gonna strengthen labor unions.
  • We need energy and activism on the part of the working people to put pressure on Congress and on those legislators who are not cooperating.
  • I do think that climate change is occurring, that it is man-caused. One of the proposals that I think is a very libertarian proposal, and I'm just open to this, is taxing carbon emission that may have the result of being self-regulating. ... The market will take care of it. I mean, when you look at it from the standpoint of better results, and actually less money to achieve those results, that's what is being professed by a carbon tax.
  • In Cambodia, 40 women are growing and selling crickets as an alternative food source, earning $2,600 for the first tonne of cricket farmed.
  • Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'
    • Martin Luther King, American Baptist minister, civil rights activist, and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize of 1964. ** As quoted in The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Coretta Scott King, Second Edition (2011), Ch. "Community of Man", p. 3.
  • The resources required to rapidly move away from fossil fuels and prepare for the coming heavy weather could pull huge swaths of humanity out of poverty, providing services now sorely lacking, from clean water to electricity....
  • Financial incentives and social pressure worked better at changing behaviors than did education or feedback.
  • Fair or not, boomers and the Silent Generation have about 70% of the country’s money, compared with about 5% for millennials. So if you want to push around Washington, or Wall Street, or your state capital, it helps to have some people with hairlines like mine.
  • If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money.
  • One of the most cost-effective and accessible tactics to combating the climate crisis is better insulation….If even half of existing buildings installed thicker insulation, 8.3 gigatons of emissions could be avoided—that’s more than overhauling efficiency for the entire international shipping industry.
  • A third of the food raised or prepared does not make it from farm or factory to fork...The food we waste is responsible for roughly eight percent of global emissions.
  • Individuals can make a difference, and some educators lean into that to combat this feeling of defeat in their students—whether it’s through school recycling and compost initiatives, cutting back on eating meat like doing meatless Mondays, etc.
  • In communicating about climate change, we risk neglecting the most important aspects, which are not just how the climate is changing but how we want to act to mitigate its impacts: where to make wind farms? Do we want to go back to nuclear or not?
  • We can put solar panels on our schools and make money for the school system through the state’s first power purchase agreement [and ultimately] surpass our city’s climate goals and save millions of dollars in the process.
  • At the end of February, thousands of cleaning workers in Minneapolis marched in what’s believed to have been the first union-authorized climate strike in the United States…. Their demands ranged from a guarantee of more environmentally friendly cleaning products to funding for a ‘green technician janitorial training program.’
  • Intergenerational collaboration around climate issues, particularly in this election season, starts at home, and then goes to the polling booth.
  • Pollution and climate change by excessive burning of fossil fuels are real threats, not the people who warn that we must take these threats seriously.
  • The beautiful thing about healthy soil is that it does not matter if you care about climate change, or if you care about the drought, or if you just care about healthy food, or if you want to see more biodiversity, restoring soil hits all of those targets. Almost everyone has some self-interest or desire for soil to be restored.
  • Voting is the single most important action Americans can take to address climate change....
    • Evan Vaughan, Deputy Director, Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition. no title, Twitter, (11 August, 2020).
  • In 2014, after repeated calls to government went unheeded, indigenous Guajajara and Ka’apor communities organized their own patrols to rid their land of illegal loggers. They have captured loggers cutting timber or setting fire in their lands, confiscated their chainsaws and seized their trucks.
  • If we want people to actually invest in things like decarbonising their home heating, we need them to ‘get’ climate change, and we need them to trust in the actions that they can take.
    • Joanne Wade,, Order of the British Empire, Chief Strategic Advisor at the ADE (The Association for Decentralised Energy). “More talk; more action?”, ‘’The Association for Decentralised Energy’’, (2 November, 2021).
  • What we mean by social connectedness is allowing people to get to know each other that might not have known each other, and also fostering that spirit of collaboration....So when the storms come, and the heat waves happen, and the rain descends, people are looking out for each other.
  • It makes sense to help build social infrastructure in a community [to] increase the likelihood of people surviving during these extreme weather events.
  • The most direct impacts are seen in community gardens, where the natural setting helps break down social boundaries and unite the neighborhoods under a common goal to improve their environment.

See also

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