Promoting integrity in research and its publication

COPE brings together all those involved in scholarly research and its publication to strengthen the network of support, education and debate in publication ethics

Publication Integrity Week is a week-long series of events to feature insights from across the publication integrity spectrum from sessions on good publication ethics practice to discussions on issues challenging research publishing.

Our core practices

Core practices are the policies and practices journals and publishers need, to reach the highest standards in publication ethics. We include cases with advice, guidance for day-to-day practice, education modules and events on topical issues, to support journals and publishers fulfil their policies.

Your publication ethics case

COPE Members: do you have a publication ethics issue in your journal or research institution and need help with the next steps? Send in your case for discussion and advice at the Forum.

Guidance & discussion

An image of a owl in shades of purple with text over the top "COPE Publication Integrity Week 18-22 November 2024 online sessions #PublicationIntegrityWeek

Are you interested in learning more, and taking part in discussions, about plagiarism, data, paper mills, the future of publication ethics, and how we can work together to solve publication integrity issues? Save the date for Publication Integrity Week!

United2Act, a project from COPE and STM, is a group of international stakeholders working collaboratively against paper mills. Working groups have released new draft resources and welcome feedback for revisions.

Dan Kulp, COPE Chair, introduces the discussion: "Ethical considerations of using and maintaining watchlists". What are the potential benefits and harms of watchlists, and what should be put in place to reduce any risks?

How to exclude AI-generated article; contentious authorship disputes; undisclosed conflict of interest; duplicate publlication in the same journal. Cases from members discussed at the latest COPE Forum.

COPE Members! Are you looking to play a more active role in the publication ethics community? We're looking for members from diverse backgrounds and regions to join COPE Council. Our current Council Members share their experiences, and how you can make a real difference in shaping the future of publication ethics:

COPE Members: our template letters have been fully revised to help editors draft their own emails to authors, reviewers or universities about a suspected breach of research or publication integrity,

We are pleased to welcome new COPE volunteers who share their expertise and interest in areas of publication ethics, or particular regions, to support COPE's mission.

Exploring some of the potential barriers faced by people communicating in a second or additional language, with a range of positive actions for the scholarly publishing industry, this editorial asks whether we can make English-language publishing more accessible. Responses from COPE Members accompany the editorial with further insight into publishing in English.