House Garden LandscapeLandscape LayoutLandscape GardeningNews Website DesignChannel BrandingLower ThirdsText Logo DesignPublicidad CreativaMotion Graphics InspirationLI TV RE-PITCH 2014Li TV Channel Branding Pitch472
Tv Channel LogoLogo TvChannel BrandingChannel LogoTv DesignStudio LogoCorporate BrandingTv ChannelExtreme SportsNEXT TV - RebrandingNEXT TV is a brand new channel. It covers a bunch of topics that are current and relevant to its young target – music, е-sports, app reviews, games, technologies, extreme sports and more. We were in charge of fully branding it from scratch.79
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Product WebsiteNews LogoChannel BrandingTv Design3d StudioRetro FuturisticDream ItIt Goes OnTv ChannelIt’s Nice That talks to us about our Pluto TV rebrand. | DixonBaxiDixonBaxi reimagines Pluto TV with a retro-futuristic brand that plays bigger in the streaming wars.290
Tv Show Graphic DesignTv BrandingDigital Design TrendsBasic ProgrammingChannel BrandingMtv ShowsMotion Graphics InspirationTv DesignPowerpoint Presentation DesignFoxlife Worldwide Tv BrandingOur friends at Fox asked us to redesign Fox Life global image, the second most important channel of the group.The goal was to achieve worldwide recognizable image that stressed the mainstream character of the channel and its coviewing audience.We though…206
Network BrandingTv BrandingLogo TvChannel BrandingChannel LogoMotion Graphics Inspiration3d TypographyMotion Graphics DesignTitle DesignFoxlife Worldwide Tv BrandingOur friends at Fox asked us to redesign Fox Life global image, the second most important channel of the group.The goal was to achieve worldwide recognizable image that stressed the mainstream character of the channel and its coviewing audience.We though…141
Tv Channel BrandingChannel IdentityGfx IdeasThe Idea Of LoveBroadcast GraphicsTv BrandingLuciano HuckTv Set DesignChannel BrandingRomedy NOW RebrandA channel rebrand project for Romedy NOW, an English movie channel based on "Love Laugh and Live"174
Tv Logo DesignTv BrandingLogo TvLogotype BrandingUp LogoLogo IdentityTypography ArtworkTicket DesignGuerilla MarketingBrand New: Follow-up: New Logo, Identity, and On-air Look for Pluto TV by DixonBaxi... - a grouped images pictureBrand New: Follow-up: New Logo, Identity, and On-air Look for Pluto TV by DixonBaxi - created on 2020-05-28 10:58:35523
Rollup DesignTech CompanyVisual Identity DesignDesign BrochureUi Design InspirationTv ChannelsCorporate DesignBrand GuidelinesDesign GraphiqueRai RebrandRebrand for Rai's four main tv channels1.8k
GIFMove LogoBerita TvMtv LogoMotion LogoLogo ShapesBrand Magazine3d StudioArtwork ImagesPrint MagazineI Want my Frame TVOpinions on corporate and brand identity work10