'Boys with Toys', the latest original show from Hungama Play, is a youth comedy that revolves around the lives of Adi and Jiggy, two young friends who are fed up with their mundane jobs and dream of having some adventure in their lives. ...See more'Boys with Toys', the latest original show from Hungama Play, is a youth comedy that revolves around the lives of Adi and Jiggy, two young friends who are fed up with their mundane jobs and dream of having some adventure in their lives. Things take an unexpected turn when they find themselves at the helm of running a business that they know nothing about. Adi and Jiggy, both in their early 20s, share an apartment in Mumbai and are bored with their dead-end jobs. The boys are overjoyed when Jiggy's late uncle leaves behind an inheritance for them. Expecting it to be at least a crore of rupees, the boys are excited at the endless possibilities this amount offers but are surprised beyond belief to receive the inheritance in kind, in the form of sex toys. They must now figure out the utility of each sex toy and find a way to sell them to pay their bills, and in the process face wildly funny situations that turn their lives into a comic frenzy. Produced by Viniyard Films, Boys with Toys is directed by Rahul Aggarwal and stars Rishab Chadha, Umang Khanna, Anisa Butt along with Abhishek Bajaj. It is available to stream on Hungama Play. Written by
Hungama Play
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