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Kasukarp is a character appearing in Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


Kasukarp is known for being the Trainer of Shinegoldie, a shiny Magikarp with incredible leaping power. He is known for competing in the annual Magikarp High Jump Tournament, being the contest's ninth consecutive time champion. He is also known to make bodybuilding videos, which is the origin of his Magikarp's incredible strength.

Pokémon Journeys: The Series[]

During the tenth annual Magikarp High Jump Tournament, Kasukarp is set against Goh in the contest finals. He is confident that he will win, but is surprised to learn that Goh's Magikarp had been weighing itself down the entire competition. Despite Goh's Magikarp having immensely superior leaping power to Shinegoldie, Kasukarp is still declared the winner due to Goh's Magikarp flopping so high it flew into outer space.


On hand[]

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