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Pokémon Wiki
0009Blastoise Red and Green
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These Gourgeist are three Ghost/Grass-type Pokémon owned by Count Pumpka's steward.


Count Pumpka's steward had three Gourgeist, sending them to fight the heroes to retrieve "their" Pikachu. When the heroes went to retrieve Chespin (who was disguised as Pikachu and was caught), the heroes battled the butler's Gourgeist again, sending Braixen, Pikachu (dressed as Psyduck) and Bunnelby and won the battle, but were imprisoned in a cage, for a while.

Known moves[]

0009Blastoise Red and Green
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Move Type Debut
Shadow Ball Ghost XY082: A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?
Razor Leaf Grass XY082: A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?
Seed Bomb Grass XY082: A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?