English: A Tomahawk cruise missile protrudes from an All-Up-Round (AUR) canister. Four canisters are contained in a Mark 143 Armored Box Launcher, which protected the missiles from damage prior to launch. This photo shows two of the four box launchers carried by the U.S.S. New Jersey. The New Jersey was the first operational warship to fire a Tomahawk cruise missile in 1983.
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Czas ekspozycji
1/50 s (0,02)
Wartość przysłony
f / 11
Czułość aparatu zgodnie z normą ISO 12232
Data i czas utworzenia oryginału
14:33, 10 lis 2013
Długość ogniskowej obiektywu
24 mm
Tytuł lub opis obrazu
A Tomahawk cruise missile protrudes from an All-Up-Round (AUR) canister. Four canisters are contained in a Mark 143 Armored Box Launcher, which protected the missiles from damage prior to launch. This photo shows two of the four box launchers carried by the U.S.S. New Jersey. The New Jersey was the first operational warship to fire a Tomahawk cruise missile in 1983.
At the Battleship New Jersey, on the Delaware River in Camden, New Jersey.