Personal logo

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a collage of photos with the words pastel on it and various images in pink, green, and white
Asana ~ Full Brand Board, including entire Logo Suite, Colour Palette, Packaging & Imagery
two book covers with the words marc smith and margie smith on them, one is purple
Szablon wizytówki kolorowe śmieszne projektant graficzny | Darmowy Wektor
some type of font and numbers that are on display in the same color palettes
Maria K. Studios Rebrand
This past month I decided to do a rebrand of my freelance studio. My old brand didn't feel connected to my work style or personality. I kept the same theme using bird icons so that I wasn't tasked with creating a new mission statement and brand language. "Maria K. Studios seeks to provide clients with a full spectrum of design products & style options to help companies take flight in their respective markets." #branding #branddesign #logo #logodesign #logos #identity #graphicdesign #typography
an orange and red oval with the words go go in it on a pink background
Finger Print Projects :: Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and branding
Personal Identity - Anja
the letter s is made up of two circles and has an orange color on it
[Personal logo] In progress, personal logo, thoughts?