two texts that are being used to describe what they're talking to each other
Page 4 - Autocorrect Fails and Funny Text Messages - SmartphOWNED - Life throws you curves. Being prepared is everything. Are you
two texts that have been written to each other
two texts that are in the same language
Just seriously that's why u should NEVER watch Blues Clues
two texts that are being shared to each other
Iggy and America 3 by katt2015 on DeviantArt
Iggy and America 3 by katt2015 on DeviantArt
two texts that are being shared to each other on their cell phones, one is telling them what they're talking about
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
lol so funny but take the S word out and say "well ok"
two texts that are being used to describe what they're talking to each other
Best Pics of the Week - SmartphOWNED
two texts that are being used to describe what they're talking to each other
two texts that are being used to describe what they're talking to each other
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
Why is there a crack on my phone?
two texts that are being shared to each other on their cell phones with the same message
dude you were so drunk last night - Google Search
two texts that are being shared to each other on their cell phones, one has an orange juice and the other is blue
Clearly the issue lol I think unicorns are real
two texts that are being used to describe what they're talking with each other
Other - SeanDude how drunk was I last night?Well, at one point I convinced you to try and bite your own nose.....Then what happened?You were rolling around on the floor for an hour screaming 'ITS GETTING AWAY ITS GETTING AWAY!!!!!!'I hate you more then words can express....