you only get one life.

please join in on this board. inspirational quotes or pictures please. things to uplift and move people. or just things that make u smile.
114 Pins
an image with the words, there is honesty no reason to lie to me i'm
There Is Honestly No Reason To Lie To Me
a sign that says be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody
@eliotdevita ✰
an advertisement with the words'we're teenagers'written in black and white
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
Uploaded by Free!. Find images and videos about sexy, life and text on We Heart It - the app to get lost in what you love.
a text message that reads,'the average life span is approximately 80 years '
✿ pinterest: @wifi0n ✿
an open book with some writing on the page and it is written in black ink
Sad Quotes About Letting Going And Moving On :Words | mary*
a black and white photo with the words, that risk you're afraid to take, could be the one that changes your entire life
kylie francis quotes | female entrepreneur success quotes | motivational quotes for life and success
a man standing next to a bear with the words train your mind written on it