Posts Tagged ‘ California ’


HANGTOWN, based on a true story, is a historical western about the hangings in a placer mining town that once went by that moniker, one of the first established diggings during the chaos of the Gold Rush. Set in 1848 to 1850, the unlawful were punished and hanged swiftly for crimes of theft and violence, haunting forever what is now Placerville, California. Returning to his hometown, Shirley Jackson Award-nominated and Bram Stoker Award®-winning writer and editor Michael Bailey fills in the missing pieces of a town’s dark past in this homage to Charles Portis’ True Grit and Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian. Cover artwork by Ben Baldwin, and illustrated by Mar Garcia.

Purchase directly from the publisher (US only, shipping included) . . .

HANGTOWN: Hardcover

ISBN: 979-8986748887 300 pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″


HANGTOWN: Paperback

ISBN: 979-8986748894 300 pages, 5″ x 8″


Other purchasing options . . .

Amazon: eBook | trade paperback | hardcover. Available soon in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, and a part of Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Noble: trade paperback | hardcover

Books-A-Million (BAM!): trade paperback | hardcover