Nicholas Zhu’s previous efforts as bod [包家巷] saw them folding context both online and off into palpable concepts like MoVA (Museum of Virtual Art) as well as sound pieces Advent of the Silicon Rain [硅雨来临] and Limpid Fear [清澈恐惧], released through Quantum Natives and KNIVES, respectively. Zhu’s music is primarily constructed through piano and voice, “performed” through active m...(展开全部) Nicholas Zhu’s previous efforts as bod [包家巷] saw them folding context both online and off into palpable concepts like MoVA (Museum of Virtual Art) as well as sound pieces Advent of the Silicon Rain [硅雨来临] and Limpid Fear [清澈恐惧], released through Quantum Natives and KNIVES, respectively. Zhu’s music is primarily constructed through piano and voice, “performed” through active manipulation of a MIDI instruments and vocal recordings overlaid and situated in field recordings and soundtrack rips. The resulting world created reads as documentations or meta-considerations of the present moment, measurements of the experience of life through technologically informed sound design. The latest bod [包家巷] work, entitled The Recurrence Of Infections [复发感染], is an elliptically sweet yet unsettling audio piece that conceptualizes a state of mind in “the quiet hours of laborious coping that fall into the areas between work and sleep.” It comes with additional sound and video supplements that "are components of the larger, continuous work that is living." The title refers to a series of health issues that they had while living in Los Angeles. Zhu has stated in previous interviews that their practice in music is distinct from their art, citing “socioeconomic precarity” as a driving force behind their work. “I put my studio practice on hold specifically to work on music (for efficacy, music allows me to engage with people in a way that art can’t) knowing that meaning doesn’t translate, even when literally transcribed.” The spacious desolation and emotional surges that are felt in the sound piece aren’t intended to impart meaning as much as expressing an affect, specifically attuned to the darker moments in one’s life when they are self-loathing, lost in unease and intense fear. The work varies from calm and polymorphous soundscapes to maximal onslaughts of noise and harmonies, each section stitched to the next as nonlinear, anecdotal chapters in a story of personal experience.
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The Recurrence of Infections [复发感染] (37:43)
Infection Supplement [感染补充] (Bonus track) 09:19
The Recurrence of Infections (Flora Yin-Wong Remix
2 有用 不ྀ死ྀ者 2020-07-29 21:40:31
0 有用 埃德鲁大学校长 2021-08-12 23:59:44
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3 有用 tONy顺仔 2022-01-28 18:56:56
8.4(2⃣️),声音上“看似”的乱序拼贴重组引领着进入一片空旷荒芜的地域,沉浸其中再往下坠落。电子,古典,中国传统民乐的美妙融合,二胡、笛子与古筝不时在清丽琴键和温柔弦乐中的出现,沉静地迈向宏大的伤感氛围,又在工业噪音的轰鸣坠入诡谲的异度空间,这更多的是在混乱与恐惧中企图创造一种纯粹明亮的和谐,东方意蕴的美感飘浮其中。有温和平静的祥和时刻,也有一败涂地分崩离析的哀叹和厌恶。复发感染,是重拾信念后... 8.4(2⃣️),声音上“看似”的乱序拼贴重组引领着进入一片空旷荒芜的地域,沉浸其中再往下坠落。电子,古典,中国传统民乐的美妙融合,二胡、笛子与古筝不时在清丽琴键和温柔弦乐中的出现,沉静地迈向宏大的伤感氛围,又在工业噪音的轰鸣坠入诡谲的异度空间,这更多的是在混乱与恐惧中企图创造一种纯粹明亮的和谐,东方意蕴的美感飘浮其中。有温和平静的祥和时刻,也有一败涂地分崩离析的哀叹和厌恶。复发感染,是重拾信念后的复发绝望,是在不断的迷失中不断挣扎,不断垮塌又不断重建,这便是我们平凡又复杂的生活写照,我们永远行将崩溃的一切的某种注解 (展开)
0 有用 evendontcry 2023-08-27 09:18:48 北京
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0 有用 峒 2021-11-29 01:06:55
太牛逼了,越听越觉得不可思议。这一次不再需要去寻找和音乐的连接点,甚至可以说在音乐被播放的那一瞬间就已经站在了桥梁上,在不远处瞭望着于幻想与现实间反复感染的心。而field recording之类的元素也不再只是无意义标签。