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Sesame Street
Air date April 2, 1973
Season Season 4 (1972-1973)
Production December 18, 1972
Sponsors R, T, 3

0506 00

Picture Segment Description
0506 01
SCENE 1 Gordon welcomes the viewer and announces that T is the letter of the day. He notices a T on Oscar's trash can and inquires about why it's there. He guesses that T is for trash, terrible, and temper tantrum, but Oscar says it's to remind people to stay away from him. He points Gordon to a note on a scroll which begins with a letter T, which is for “time” –– as in “Time after time I have told you not to bother me!” The scroll continues as it takes Gordon far off into Big Bird's nest area.
Cartoon T for typewriter and toe
Artist: John Korty
Insert The Alphabet Dancers form the letter T.
(First: Episode 0454)
Muppets Ernie & BertErnie can't decide which of the two different shelves he should place a large vase on, so Bert tells him to use his imagination. Ernie imagines the vase falling off the little shelf and Bert kicking him out of the apartment. Then, Ernie imagines putting the vase on the big shelf, and Bert rewarding him with a big surprise party.
(First: Episode 0277)
Film Otters in the zoo
(First: Episode 0487)
0506 02
SCENE 2 Susan and some kids play a game where they match clothes with the body parts they go on.
Film A girl gets a pair of earrings, intercut with shots of other people's earrings.
(First: Episode 0422)
Cartoon Three chickens eat grain, and become full, fuller and fullest.
Artist: Cliff Roberts
Film Mad Painter #3
(First: Episode 0343)
Film Empty / full playground (time-lapse)
(First: Episode 0415)
Muppets Cookie Monster sings a rock song about his cookie obsession.
Film "Three Song (Song of Three)."
(First: Episode 0001)
Song Joe Raposo sings "Pretty Baby."
(First: Episode 0040)
Gordon T for Table
Cast Gordon demonstrates T for table.
Grover HELP Marty
Muppets Grover is carrying the word "HELP", which is very heavy. He asks Marty to help him carry the word. Instead, Marty gives Grover three more "HELP" words to carry.
(First: Episode 0287)
Film Empty / full cafeteria (time-lapse)
(First: Episode 0415)
Cartoon A jar is full of jellybeans. The jar becomes empty, while a hungry boy is full.
Artist: Cliff Roberts
(First: Episode 0322)
Film Empty / full subway car (time-lapse)
(First: Episode 0415)
0506 03
SCENE 3 With help from Luis, Susan, and a kid, Big Bird builds his own makeshift TV set so he can watch his favorite show. The group matches the picture on the front of Big Bird's copy of TV Magazine, but the others don't think his set will work and leave. Big Bird turns on his set... and begins to watch Here is Your Life.
Muppets Guy Smiley hosts Here Is Your Life, surprising Oak Tree with the story of his life. The guests include Granny Fanny Nesselrode, who planted the tree as an acorn, Cloud and Sun, who gave the tree rain and sunshine, and Marty Table and Sarah Chair, who were made from the tree's friends.
(First: Episode 0406)
Film Empty / full classroom (time-lapse)
(First: Episode 0475)
T for Tunnel
Film A letter T drives through a tunnel.
(First: Episode 0454)
Muppets Harvey Kneeslapper sets up a bucket of confetti above a door, so that whoever pulls the rope attached to the bucket will get the confetti dumped on them. Instead, a little girl walks by and pulls the rope, so that the confetti lands on Harvey!
(First: Episode 0353)
Film The letter T is a very useful letter.
(First: Episode 0402)
0506 04
SCENE 4 Big Bird has a riddle for Luis and the kids about a four-legged animal that wears its home on its back...
Film Baby turtles swim around.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0294)
0506 04b
In Spanish, Luis has the kids guess another T animal –– el tigre.
Cartoon La letra T es para tigre, tomate, taxi, toro, telefono, televisión, y el terrible tiburon.
(First: Episode 0351)
Muppets The Amazing Mumford waves his magic wand over a transparent glass cookie jar and makes the jar become full of cookies and then empty (over and over) as an anxious Cookie Monster watches.
(First: Episode 0287)
Film An ice cream man hands a boy too many cones. The boy cries out for "HELP" and some kids eat the extras.
(First: Episode 0484)
Muppets Harvey Kneeslapper asks an Anything Muppet carrying several heavy packages if he needs any help. Harvey then slaps the word HELP on his packages.
(First: Episode 0460)
Cartoon What if an anteater had the features of a giraffe?
Artist: Cliff Roberts
(First: Episode 0422)
ABC Cookie Monster
Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentKermit and Joey sing "The Alphabet Song."
(First: Episode 0426)
0506 05
SCENE 5 Susan and Luis sing "No Matter What Your Language."
Cartoon A woman fixes her car by putting a letter r under the hood, and it goes "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"
(First: Episode 0410)
Film Old Time Movies: Anne Meara narrates a silent film of a woman in a burning building, who needs HELP.
Cartoon Men in boxes sound out the word RUN.
(First: Episode 0369)
Muppets Ernie & BertBert says he's too cold, so Ernie goes overboard to get him warm by putting layer after layer of clothing upon him. This makes him too hot, so Ernie opens the window, gives Bert an ice bag, and brings his electric fan.
(First: Episode 0418)
0506 06
SCENE 6 Luis sings "Three of These Things" with three circles and one octagon.
Cartoon T for top
Artist: Cliff Roberts
(First: Episode 0298)
Film T is for toes.
Cartoon La t minuscula
(First: Episode 0376)
Muppets An Anything Muppet demonstrates empty by leaving his room, soon Grover and his friends, including Cookie Monster, occupy the room making it full. The Anything Muppet comes in and scares the monsters away leaving it empty.
(First: Episode 0148)
Cartoon T is for Television (Spanish)
Muppets Muppet & Kid Moment — Cookie Monster and Genelle count to twenty.
(First: Episode 0289)
Cartoon Donnie Budd sings about three trios of animals who live on a fat lady's lap.
Artist: Bud Luckey
(First: Episode 0299)
Bread film
Film A couple makes some bread in stop-motion.
(First: Episode 0465)
Three Monsters
Muppets Grover, Herry Monster, and Billy rearrange themselves in different ways and count to three, until they get exhausted and faint.
(First: Episode 0186)
Song "Three Is My Favorite Number"
(First: Episode 0429)
Three Monsters
Muppets Three monsters (Spanish)
(First: Episode 0364)
Animation A dune buggy is assembled.
0506 07
SCENE 7 The kids play street hockey as Gordon announces the sponsors.

CLOSING SIGNS Luis holds the Sesame Street sign, while the Count holds the CTW sign.


  • Scene 1 is a rewritten version of scene 1 from Episode 0075, and scene 3 is a rewritten version of scene 4 from Episode 0072.

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Episode 0505 Episode 0507