We are happy to announce that the previously announced follow question and answer feature is now live across the Network, including Stack Overflow, all Stack Exchange sites, and all Meta sites. (International Stack Overflow sites will have it turned on in a day or two once we have translations all set.)
You can follow any question or answer (that you did not author) by clicking on the [follow] button that is shown in the menu immediately below the post (alongside the [share] button):
After you have followed a post, you will get inbox notifications for all new answers (in the case where you followed a question), comments, edits, and notices. You will not receive notifications for any action that you performed. As was mentioned in the earlier post, we are not making changes at this point to the notifications received by a post owner, or due to @mentions.
The initial release had been planned to only include question following. Thanks to many folks who chipped in over the past few weeks, we are happy to release both question and answer following at the same time. These are available in both the regular and mobile views.
We are still planning on two more related releases:
- Follows profile tab and question listing filter: A tab for follows will be added to your user profile activity page. Each user will be able to view this tab that will provide a listing of followed questions and answers, with standard sorts, and the ability to unfollow from the listing. Users (with the exception of moderators and authorized staff) will not be able to see this information about other users (nor will it be made public in the API, SEDE, or data dumps).
- We will be renaming the Favorites feature to Bookmarks. As we mentioned in the preview post, the feature will be the same as Favorites, with the name and icon updated to more accurately represent user expectations and usage. And you will be able to both "bookmark" and "follow" a question.
We hope that this new feature will allow you to have better access to the content that you care about and want to keep tabs on.
Update (June 11, 2020): The user profile tab and the rename of Favorites to Bookmarks have been released.
. How can I retrieve these notifications through the StackExchange API? It is needed to support this functionality: stackapps.com/questions/3780/…