This page is a translated version of the page Global sysops and the translation is 12% complete.

This page outlines the standards and guidelines related to the use of the user rights assigned to the global sysop user group. If you need help from a sysop or a steward on your project, please see Meta:Requests and proposals , Global sysops/Requests and Steward requests/Miscellaneous.

Global sysops are highly trusted users with a strong track record of cross-wiki contributions that have sysop and interface administrator privileges on most public wikis, for the purposes of antivandalism and routine maintenance. They are not users with sysop tools on all wikis and they have no extra editorial control over content or the local community.


By default, global sysops may use this global user group's permissions on wikis that meet one or both of the following criteria:

  • fewer than ten administrators exist; or
  • fewer than three administrators have made a logged action within the past two months.

Projects may opt-in or opt-out at their own discretion if they obtain local consensus. Simply inform the stewards of the community's decision. A wiki set is used to specify a list of wikis where global sysops do not have access (list).

Most global sysops also have global rollback . Unlike the global sysop rights, global rollback is truly global.


Requests for global sysop rights should be placed on Steward requests/Global permissions. The request will be approved by a steward if there is a consensus for the user to become a global sysop after a period of discussion of no less than two weeks. The discussion is not a vote; comments must present specific points in favor of or against the user's approval.

هٽائڻ (لاهڻ)

Continued global sysop access depends on both activity and the continued support of the Wikimedia community.


Global sysops will automatically lose their access if in six months they've not used the respective rights outside of wikis on which they have local rights.

Vote of confidence:

Any steward may remove a global sysop's rights at any time if they feel the tools have been misused, or if a request for comment has shown that a significant minority does not trust the global sysop. If this occurs and the global sysop wants the tools back, a vote of confidence shall occur, where the global sysop must retain the consensus of the community in order to return their access.


This is the list of permissions, with explanations, which global sysops have. The permissions are nearly identical to those of regular administrators ; however, these permissions apply to any Wikimedia Foundation project that has not opted out of the global sysops' access list. They are not capable of changing any local userrights either (unless they also have appropriate local permissions).

User rights currently assigned to the global-sysop global group
Right Description Notes
١ abusefilter-log غلط-استعمال لاگ ڏيکاريو Normally part of the autoconfirmed user group or granted to all users
٢ autoconfirmed آئپي تي ٻڌل انگ جي حدن کان متاثر نہ ٿيندو
٣ editsemiprotected "Allow only autoconfirmed users" طور تحفظيل صفحا سنواريو
٤ flow-edit-post Edit Structured Discussions posts by other users
٥ flow-hide Hide Structured Discussions topics and posts
٦ ipinfo آئپي پتن بابت معلومات حاصل ڪريو جيڪي ورجائن يا لاگ داخلائن سان ڳنڍيل آهن
٧ move صفحا چوريو
٨ movestable Move pages with stable versions
٩ reupload موجوده فائيلن مٿان-لکو
١٠ reupload-own Overwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
١١ skipcaptcha ڪيپچا-ٽرگرنگ عمل سرانجام ڏيو بغير ڪيپچا مان گذرڻ جي
١٢ spamblacklistlog View the spam block list log
١٣ upload فائيل چاڙهيو
١٤ abusefilter-log-detail غلط-استعمال لاگ جون ڊگھيون داخلائون ڏيکاريو Governed by local policies where they exist, otherwise part of the sysop user group
١٥ abusefilter-modify غلط-استعمال ڇاڻين کي جوڙيو يا بدلايو
١٦ abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains سرجيو يا تبديل ڪريو جنھن کان ٻاھرين ڊومينس کي ڳنڍڻ کان روڪيو ويو آھي
١٧ abusefilter-modify-restricted غلط استعمال ڇاڻين کي محدود عملن سان تبديل ڪريو
١٨ autopatrol سندس سنوارون پاڻمرادو گشت ڪيل طور نشان لڳل آھن
١٩ autoreviewrestore Auto-review on rollback
٢٠ checkuser-temporary-account عارضي کاتن پاران استعمال ٿيندڙ آئپي پتا ڏسو
٢١ editautopatrolprotected "Allow only autopatrollers" طور تحفظيل صفحا سنواريو
٢٢ ipblock-exempt عالمي آئپي بندشن، پاڻمرادي بندشن ۽ رينج بندشن کي باءِپاس ڪريو
٢٣ move-categorypages زمراتي صفحا چوريو
٢٤ move-rootuserpages Move root user pages
٢٥ move-subpages صفحن کي سندن ماتحت-صفحن سميت چوريو
٢٦ movefile فائيل چوريو
٢٧ oathauth-enable ٻن مرحلن واري تصديق نافذ ڪيو
٢٨ patrol ٻين جون سنوارون گشت-ڪيل طور نشان لڳايو
٢٩ review Mark revisions as being "checked"
٣٠ rollback Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
٣١ templateeditor Edit protected templates
٣٢ unreviewedpages View the list of unreviewed pages
٣٣ apihighlimits API پڇائن ۾ وڏيون حدون استعمال ڪريو Normally part of the sysop user group
٣٤ block واپرائيندڙ کي سنوارڻ کان بندش وجهو يا ختم ڪريو
٣٥ blockemail ايميل موڪلڻ لاءِ واپرائيندڙ تي بندش وجهو يا ختم ڪريو
٣٦ browsearchive ڊاٺل صفحا ڳوليو
٣٧ centralauth-createlocal زبردستي ھڪ عالمي کاتي لاءِ مقامي کاتو کوليو
٣٨ delete صفحا ڊاهيو
٣٩ deletedhistory View deleted history entries, without their associated text
٤٠ deletedtext View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
٤١ deletelogentry مخصوص لاگ داخلائون ڊاھيو ۽ اڻڊاھيو
٤٢ deleterevision ڪنھن صفحي جا مخصوص ورجاءَ ڊاھيو ۽ اڻڊاھيو
٤٣ editcontentmodel صفحي جي مواد ماڊل کي سنواريو
٤٤ editinterface واپرائيندڙ انٽرفيس کي سنواريو
٤٥ editprotected "Allow only administrators" طور تحفظيل صفحا سنواريو
٤٦ editsitejson سڄي سائيٽ جي JSON کي سنواريو
٤٧ edituserjson ٻين واپرائيندڙن جا JSON فائيل سنواريو
٤٨ flow-delete Delete Structured Discussions topics and posts
٤٩ import ٻين وڪين کان صفحا درآمديو
٥٠ ipinfo-view-full آئپي پتن بابت پوري ڏيک تائين رسائي ڪريو جيڪي ورجائن يا لاگ داخلائن سان ڳنڍيل آهن
٥١ markbotedits واپس موٽايل سنوارن کي بطور بوٽ سنوارن جي نشان لڳايو
٥٢ mergehistory صفحن جي سوانح ضم ڪريو
٥٣ noratelimit انگ جي حدن کان متاثر نہ ٿيندو
٥٤ nuke جهجهي ڊاھ وارا صفحا
٥٥ override-antispoof Override the spoofing checks
٥٦ protect حفاظتي ترتيبون تبديل ڪريو ۽ ڪيسڪيڊ-تحفظيل صفحا سنواريو
٥٧ reupload-shared Override files on the shared media repository locally
٥٨ sfsblock-bypass StopForumSpam وڌاءَ پاران جاري ڪيل آئپي بندشن کي باءِپاس ڪريو
٥٩ stablesettings Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed
٦٠ suppressredirect صفحا چورڻ وقت ذريعاتي صفحن مان چورڻا نہ سرجيو
٦١ tboverride Override the disallowed titles or usernames list
٦٢ titleblacklistlog View the disallowed titles list log
٦٣ undelete ڪو صفحو اڻڊاهيو
٦٤ unwatchedpages View a list of unwatched pages
٦٥ editsitecss سڄي سائيٽ جي CSS کي سنواريو Normally part of the Interface administrators user group
٦٦ editsitejs سڄي سائيٽ جي جاوا اسڪرپٽ کي سنواريو
٦٧ editusercss ٻين واپرائيندڙن جا سي.ايس.ايس فائيل سنواريو
٦٨ edituserjs ٻين واپرائيندڙن جا جاوااسڪرپٽ فائيل سنواريو


Global sysops must have user pages on every wiki they use their global sysop access on, which provide contact information or link to their primary user page (creation bot available currently). Generally a global user page on Meta will cover that requirement, and those users are asked to include a user language declaration ("Babel").

For urgent help from a global sysop, join the IRC channel #wikimedia-gsconnect and type !gs in the channel to get the attention of global sysops.

If a user cannot resolve a dispute by talking to the global sysop, they can place a complaint on Talk:Global sysops, or contact any steward .

Global sysops may contact each other via the private mailing list.

Users with global sysop access

  • آخري ڀيرو تازو ڪيو: 2024-10-03  [edit]
نالو IRC nick Languages spoken Global sysop since
1234qwer1234qwer4 ru, de-4, en-3, la-1 2022-05-28
Ameisenigel Ameisenigel de, en-4, nds-2, fr-1, tlh-1 2024-02-18
Amire80 ru, he-5, en-4, ca-3, eo-2, es-2, it-2, fr-1, am-1, ar-1, la-1, lt-1 2017-02-02
AramilFeraxa AramilFeraxa pl, en-3, de-1 2024-05-29
Billinghurst sDrewth en, fr-1 2017-03-01
Biplab Anand Biplab ne, mai, hi-4, en-2, bh-2, awa-2, dty-2, sa-2 2016-10-06
CptViraj CptViraj gu, hi-4, en-3 2021-02-02
Daniuu Daniuu / Westvleteren nl, en-4, fr-2, de-2, la-2, vls-2, li-1 2021-11-27
DannyS712 DannyS712 en, he-2, es-2, zh-2 2020-09-01
DARIO SEVERI it, pt-4, en-4, es-2, fr-2, gl-2, th-1 2017-07-25
Fehufanga Fehufanga id, en-4, ms-2, zh-2, la-1, su-0 2024-02-01
Iluvatar Iluvatar_ ru, en-1, be-1 2019-11-02
Infinite0694 Infinite0694 ja, en-3, de-3, fr-2, it-1 2016-01-21
LR0725 ko, en-3, ja-1 2023-11-22
MdsShakil MdsShakil bn, en-3, as-1 2023-07-28
MF-Warburg MF-W de, en-3, fr-1, tet-1, la-1, es-1 2019-03-07
Minorax Minorax en, zh, nan-2, ko-1, ms-1, fr-1, yue-1 2020-12-09
Mtarch11 Mtarch11 it, lij-2, en-1, fr-1 2021-09-01
Praxidicae Praxidicae en 2018-11-11
Renvoy uk, ru-4, en-3, pl-3, lt-1 2023-07-21
Syunsyunminmin SyunSyunMinMin ja, en-3 2023-06-28
TheresNoTime TheresNoTime en, de-3 2024-03-26
Turkmen Turkmen az, tr-4, en-2 2019-09-18
Uncitoyen Uncitoyen tr, en-2, fr-2 2021-01-29
WhitePhosphorus WhitePhosphorus / P4-mobile zh, en-3, ja-1, lzh-1, wuu-1, yue-1 2019-12-12
WikiBayer bar, de, en-1 2019-08-18


User:Restu20User:HolderUser:MatiiaUser:Syum90User:NahidSultanUser:AldnonymousUser:AlanUser:KaganerUser:EltonUser:StrynUser:Wiki13User:GlaisherUser:JurgenNLUser:Rschen7754User:Wim bUser:Mh7kJUser:TBloeminkUser:Iste PraetorUser:IgnaUser:VogoneUser:Shanmugamp7User:ÉricoUser:PiRSquared17User:FrigotoniUser:Toto AzéroUser:HerbythymeUser:RadiXUser:MF-WarburgUser:RxyUser:TegelUser:SPQRobinUser:MathoniusUser:SavhUser:VituzzuUser:TelesUser:WikitanvirUser:AjraddatzUser:TrijnstelUser:Jon Harald SøbyUser:Zscout370User:MoiraMoiraUser:Bsadowski1User:Quentinv57User:Hoo manUser:KanjyUser:EffeietsandersUser:Fr33kmanUser:BRUTEUser:JafeluvUser:Maximillion PegasusUser:AxpdeUser:Lofty abyssUser:NuclearWarfareUser:HerculeUser:Luckas BladeUser:.snoopy.User:JuliancoltonUser:VasilievVVUser:Liliana-60User:PmlineditorUser:InnvUser:JamesofurUser:Tiptoety
User:AramilFeraxaUser:TheresNoTimeUser:AmeisenigelUser:FehufangaUser:LR0725User:MdsShakilUser:RenvoyUser:SyunsyunminminUser:Johannnes89User:MelosUser:StyyxUser:Mykola7User:1234qwer1234qwer4User:Superpes15User:DaniuuUser:Mtarch11User:CptVirajUser:UncitoyenUser:MinoraxUser:DannyS712User:Operator873User:Samuele2002User:HasleyUser:Tulsi User:WhitePhosphorusUser:IluvatarUser:TurkmenUser:StanglavineUser:WikiBayerUser:BRPeverUser:VermontUser:AtcoviUser:Esteban16User:PraxidicaeUser:HujiUser:DARIO SEVERIUser:BillinghurstUser:Amire80User:HakanISTUser:Biplab AnandUser:Ah3kalUser:Infinite0694

See also