Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Saffi Ingrid Larsen was a female Human Starfleet officer who served during the latter half of the 24th century, best known for serving as executive officer of the USS Dauntless and the USS Sovereign.


Saffi Larsen was born on the Goddard Moon Colony on 12 November 2336. She earned a James T. Kirk scholarship to Starfleet Academy and graduated first in her class in 2356. She served as a junior tactical officer aboard the USS Arapaho for three years, before being promoted to lieutenant commander. She later went on to become first officer of the USS Lionheart in 2375, before transferring to the USS Dauntless. Although she has received high marks on her service record, her previous commanding officers have consistently noted her strict compliance with protocol and regulation as a potential weakness, not allowing for any form of personal expression on the bridge. (ST video game: Bridge Commander)
