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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Narendra.

Narendra is a binary star system located in the space of the Klingon Empire, in Narendra sector of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant.

History and specifics[]

The Narendra system is located in the vicinity of the Klingons' border with the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire, near the Romulans' Venturius sector. Narendra is also somewhat proximate to the territory of the Nausicaans and the Vela Expanse. (ST reference: Star Charts; Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of D'era: The Romulan Star Empire)

Narendra A, the system primary, was a K class star with a magnitude of +3, making it ten times brighter than Sol. Narendra B was an A class star. (ST reference: Star Charts)

K'tark mapped this system in the general vicinity of H'atoria, Pheben and Tranome Sar on his Imperial Klingon Empire star chart. (ST reference: Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library)


Narendra's third planet, Narendra III, was the site of a Klingon colony. This colony was destroyed by the Romulans in 2344 despite a determined defense by the USS Enterprise-C. The loss of the Enterprise-C in defense of the Klingon colony was seen as a noble and honorable sacrifice by the Klingons and served to further solidify relations between the Empire and the Federation. (TNG episode: "Yesterday's Enterprise"; ST video game: Conquest)

In 2376, Romulan Admiral Sela negotiated a deal with the Borg to eliminate remnant forces of the Klingon House of Duras located in the Narendra system. The Borg force was subsequently betrayed and destroyed by the Romulans. (TNG video game: Armada)

In 2409, the Narendra system was the site of colony surveys by the Romulan Republic, though these efforts were hampered by attacks by Hirogen hunting parties. These attacks were often thwarted by the Republic's military arm as well as assistance from their allies in the Federation and Klingon Empire. (STO mission: "Narendra System Patrol")

Alternate timelines[]

In an alternate timeline, the Narendra system was occupied by Dominion forces in 2373. (TNG - Strange New Worlds II short story: "Gods, Fate, and Fractals")

In the Kelvin timeline, the Narendra vicinity was in neutral space unclaimed by major governments, located at coordinates -798,-4533. The system contained raw crystal deposits. (ST video game: Fleet Command)

The system has an ID code of 255461687 in the game software.

System makeup[]

  • Narendra system center of mass
    • Narendra A
      • Narendra A Mining Station
    • Narendra B
      • Narendra B Mining Station
    • Narendra Station
    • Narendra I
    • Narendra II
    • Narendra III
    • Narendra IV
    • Narendra V
In Star Trek: Infinite, the Narendra system randomly includes 5 or 6 planets.



Tau Dewa sector block
Azure sector Acamar (Theta Eridani) (Acamar Prime, Acamar III) • Azure Nebula • Carraya (Carraya IV) • Japori (Japori II) • Jouret (Jouret IV, Dyson sphere gateway) • Khitomer (Khitomer) • Suliban/Suliban system (Suliban Helix) • Virinat (Virinat)
Narendra sector Archer (Archer IV) • Galorndon Core (Galorndon Core) • Gamma Eridon (Gamma Eridon II) • Gasko (Gasko II, Gasko Station) • Narendra (Narendra III) • Nequencia (Nequencia colony) • Pheben (Pheben III, Pheben V)
Nimbus sector Beta Lankal (Beta Lankal (planet), Beta Lankal (planetoid)) • Beta Thoridor (Beta Thoridor) • Chaltok (Chaltok IV) • Gamma Crateris (Crateris colony) • Dewa (Dewa III ~ New Romulus ~ DiWahn) • Nimbus (Nimbus III) • Starbase 234 (Starbase 234 system)
Klingon stars and star systems
14 Cancri • 14 Leonis • 15 Leporis • 15 Lyncis • 16 Cancri • 18 Eridani • 2 Corvi • 22 Hydrae • 24 Geminorum • 27 Geminorum • 26 Monocerotis • 3 Coronae Borealis • 38 Lyncis • 42 Boötis • 43 Andromedae • 48 Aquarii • 54 Geminorum • 57 Andromedae (Alam'ak, Behr'ak, Czar'ak) • 59 Eridani • 6 Delphini • 67 Eridani • 7 Aurigae • 75 Geminorum • 8 Aurigae • 8 Monocerotis • Aalad • Aberriz • Agena • Agiirrat • Ailig • Alam'ak (Alam'ak, Behr'ak, Czar'ak) • Alhena • Almach • Alpha Monocerotis • Altanis Idrilon • Amar • Aquila • Archanis • Arkto • Arnos • Axanar • Axelot • Azraga • Balduk • Baumeister • Behr'ak • Belennii • Beta Andromedae • Beta Boötis • Beta Centauri • Beta Coronae Borealis • Beta Delphini • Beta Eridani • Beta Lankal • Beta Penthe • Beta Thoridor • B'Moth • Boreth • Bortas • Brestant • Britannia • Buruk • Cambra • Cernen • Cerzom • Chaj Daq • ChIyt'Iyq • chotegh nglyev • chuDegh • chunI'Huq • Cossina • Cursa • Czar'ak • Da'Kel • DaSqor • Dayos • Delleren • Delta Cyanna • Delta Khinah • Delta Leporis • Delta Orcus • DepIp • DevIygh • Dhum'Qha • Dhu'Qua • DIpeyj • DIyn'I • DoH • DoHInup • Doltec • Don'zali • Dorala • DovID • Du'chigh Doghiq • Durandal • Elkauron • Epsilon Aurigae • Epsilon Corvi • Epsilon Eridani • Epsilon Geminorum • Epsilon Monocerotis • Eta Serpentis • Fev'Tok • Forcas • Fuh'Rhud • Galdonterre • Gamma Andromedae (Alam'ak, Behr'ak, Czar'ak) • Gamma Aquarii • Gamma Eridon • Gamma Geminorum • Ganalda • Ganarra • Gareth Nar • Ghap'op • ghocho tlheng • Ghomba • Ghoq'ay • ghoy'HI • Ghuyj • Gila • Gorath • Gorth'nar • Graf • Gr'oth • Hadar • Halee • Hamalz • H'atoria • Hegh'ta • HeQ'ov • Hernandez-E • Heyp'uwl • HeyQ'oy • Hoq'ey'ng • Hor-cha • Hrakkour • Ikaal • Ikalia • Iota Geminorum • jo'HoDIn • Jungetlh • Jupawgh • Kachtulla • Ka"hat • Kahless • Kandru • Kannon • Kanth • Kanthu • Kaph • Kaplhaad • Kapor'At • Kappa Geminorum • Karhammur • Karregheni • Kathra • Kavrot javmaH jav • Kedgellan • Khitomer • Khotarak • Kinkuthanza • Kintir • K'Korran • Klach D'Kel Bracht • K'lai Klinzhai • Klamuth • Klathind • Klevas • Klinzhai (K'lai Klinzhai) • Klorgat • Klothos • Kohl • Kolothos • Koranischat • Korgocht • Korinar • Korreg • Korrok • Korvad • Korvus • Kran • Kraz • Krell • Krios • Krychek • K'Tazza • K'thar (K'lai Klinzhai) • K't'inga • K'Tinnam • Kumar • Kura • K'Vort • Laktar • Lambda Geminorum • Landau • Landerrabb • Laurentian • Lazarra • logh • Lokdar • Loski • Lothos • Lujan • Maaz • Maht-H'a • Makrecha • Maranga • Marcan • Marcipor• Marram • Mazur • M'Char • Mebsuta • Mempa • Minkar • mI'qIpe • Mirach • MoH • Morska • Moy'Ho • Mrang • Muldor • Munjeb • Narendra • Nathvekra • N'derial • Negh'var • Nekkar • Nereit • Ngeygh'I • ngI • Nimbus • NItlh'o • No'Mat • nuHoD • Nusakan • Ogat • Omega-2 Cygni • Omicron Leonis • Onza • Pagh • Palgrenax • Paygh • pemo DoD • Penchan • Peyg'ov • peypH • Phad • Phaedus • Pheben • Phillo'tok • Pleth'ra • Plyrana • Pogh'oy • poq'oq • Poq'uch • P'rang • Psi Cancri • Pung'e • Puriaz • puyDete • Qaitos • Qayngo • QepIng • qetlh'agh • Qevuy • Qey'ghu • Qeyopo • Qitlh VaS • Qojup • Qo'noS (K'lai Klinzhai) • qovo • Q'Tahl • Qua'Khan • qul Tuq • qu'neD • Qu'org • QuQ Heym • Qurellet • Qu'Vat • Quwotlh • qvaQ • Rai • Raknal • Rhota'Nev • Ribeldalia • Rotanev • Rotarran • Ruchba • Sadachbia • Sadatoni • Sanurna • Selta Avastam • Shahkur • Sherman • Sif • Sigma Geminorum • Sigma Kinna • Sinnawa Lotos • Somraw • Soq'oy • Soran • T'Acog • Taharak • Tal'Ihnor Gates • Tarazed • Tarf • Tariax • Tau Lacertae • T'Dakka • Tegmeni • T'gha • Theta Hydrae • ThoQ'jI • Tika • Tlhaq • tlhonnaQ • tlhopep • tlhoqInu • tlhuq'on • Toh'kaht • Tok'Bhul • Toman • tonetlh • T'ong • Toredar • Torna • Toron • Tozox • Traelus • Ty'Gokor • Venator • Veneradt • Verianne • Veygh • Villiam • VIy'He • Vok-Nagral • Vor'cha • Vorn • Vor'nak • Vuriex • wey'Itlh • Wey'vuq • WIyQ • Woqutlh • Woz • Xol • Xuxiaz • Ya'Vang • Yerad • Y'tem • Yullum • yuywong • Zemica • Zeta Aurigae • Zeta Cancri • Zeta Pictoris Klingon icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (N)
Naalur • Nabok • Nabu • Nadian • Naia • Nakagima 62B • Nalogen • Namor • Nanibia • Nara'gi • Narciso • Narcisus • Nari • Narisian • Narkiek • Narktos • Narnial • Narrex • Narrial • Narziom • Nasturta • Narudian • Nazav • Nazerox • NC513 • N'dara • Ndele • N'derial • Nedir • Needra • Ne'kro • Nellora • Nelor • Nelra • Nelve • Nem'pek • Nemana Sun • Nembara • Nemox • Nenoti • Neptor • N'era • Nereit • Nersos • Nerzoz • Neslen • Nestor Prime • Netron Omega • Neumenedes • Nevra • New Aur • New Camden • New Danube • Newlin • Neyna • Nezha • NGC 400 • NGC 994 • NGC 7332 • NGC 8149 • Nibia • Nimara • Nimora • Nimori Ceti • Nipaj • Nirem • Nishor • Nitara • Nitor • Nivra • Nixer • Nizron • Njura • N'lima • N'minem • Nobira • Nodir • Nodram • Noleus • Nom'prok • Noor Daraan • Nor Daraan • Norad • Norassen • Noren • Norith • Norkam • Norkas • Nornal • Norol • Norox • Noroxi • Norsun • Norvel • Norzur • Notoya • Nova Asra • Nova Atar • Nova Dimora • Nova Elra • Nova Jemra • Nova Kora • Nova Minra • Nova Rela • Nova Tova • Nova Vera • Nova Zela • Novak • Noxor • Noyora • N'pek • N'Tor • N'Veram • N'vidir • Nu Chalcedonis • Nukial • Nukiex • Nullion • Nuluk • Numican • Numun • Numux • Nuram • Nurt • Nuva • Nuziol • Nvarat • Nymyn Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (N) Nakarat • Na'kuhl • Nashira • Neethia • Nekkar • Neural • Nevis • New Kentar • NGC 162 • Nodell 16 • Nuraka • Nusakan Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (N) Narendra • Nausicaa • Nathvekra • Negh'var • Nequencia • Nelkar • Nevasa • New Otha • New Xindus • Nimbus • No'Mat • Nopada • Nu Tauri • Nu Octantis • Nukara Beta Quadrant icon image.


External links[]
