Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Michael McAvennie was a Human Starfleet ensign who served as shuttle controller aboard the USS da Vinci in the late 2370s. (SCE eBooks: Sargasso Sector, Security)

In the year 2377, McAvennie was assigned to prepare the shuttlecraft Kwolek for launch so that Domenica Corsi could return to Fahleena III following the report of her father's death. Shortly after, McAvennie also prepared the shuttlecraft Shirley for launch so that Captain Gold could travel to Tau Ophiucus following the "death" of Patrice Bennett. (CoE eBook: The Art of the Comeback)

This character was apparently named for Mike McAvennie, a co-editor of DC Comics' 1990s-era Star Trek series.


USS da Vinci personnel
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. 111 • C. Abramowitz • A. Angelopoulos • K. Bain • J. Barnak • M. Barre • C. Bennett • K. Caitano • A. Chhung • N. Conlon • J. Copper • D. Corsi • E. Deo • T. Deverick • S. Drew • K. Duffy • C. Eddy • Emmett • D. Falcão • B. Faulwell • D. Feliciano • M. Foley • E. Friesner • Frnats • D. Gold • S. Gomez • M. Hammett • V. Hawkins • S. Haznedl • Ina M. • L. Irastorza • S. Kazzarus • P. Keegan • T. Kim • R. Konya • K. Kowal • E. Krotine • A. Lambdin • D. Lankford • R. Lankford • Lauoc S. • E. Lense • A. Lipinski • Loten Y. • D. McAllan • M. McAvennie • M. Nemeckova • B. O'Leary • C. Okha • Orthak • P8 Blue • B. Phelps • J. Piotrowski • F. Powers • L. Poynter • Rizz • M. Robins • R. Rusconi • Saldok • Salek • Sarjenka • A. Shabalala • S. Simon • J. Skernak • Soloman • F. Stevens • T. tai'Mio • M.g. Tev • T'Mandra • T'Nel • C. Turpin • Tydoan • M. Vinx • N. Weiland • S. Wetzel • Winn M. • S. Wong Seal of the Federation Starfleet.