Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Project:Pages for administration/Kovich

Kovich was a Human doctor and a United Federation of Planets official who lived in the 32nd century.


Kovich was at Federation Headquarters when the temporal-displaced USS Discovery arrived in 3189. Kovich over saw Commander Philippa Georgiou's debreifing due to her status as a Terran. After she disabled his holograms, Kovich answered several of Georgiou's questions abouts The Burn and informed her that it has been over 500 years since the last crossover between the Terran and Prime universes. He also told her about the fall of the Terran Empire.(DSC episode: "Die Trying")

When Georgiou began displaying symptoms of being displace from her universe, Kovich told Dr. Hugh Culber about the last known traveler from a alternate universe; Lieutenant Commander Yor. He believed that there was no cure until Discovery's computer told them about one on Dannus V.(DIS episode: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

Kovich later revealed that he was actually Agent Daniels. (DIS episode: "Life, Itself")



Federation Headquarters personnel
UFP emblem image. EliKovichTeemoC. VanceA. Willa Seal of the Federation Starfleet.

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