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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Janalwa was the capital world of the Holy Order of the Kinshaya following the destruction of their original Homeworld sometime around the year 2380 by the Klingon Defense Force led by Klingon General Klag, son of M'Raq of the IKS Gorkon.


Janalwa was one of the oldest colony worlds of the Holy Order as well as the largest populated world within Kinshaya space following the destruction of the Kinshaya homeworld. The age and population of Janalwa had allowed it to maintain levels of independence of devotional mysticism and intense individual spirituality rather than the strict orthodox imposed on the Kinshaya homeworld and throughout its interstellar territory until governance of the Holy Order was established. The prosecuted heterodox Kinshaya formed the Devotionalists, who sought to oust the orthodox government and transition to a more populist rule. (ST - Typhon Pact eBook: The Struggle Within)


In 2382, Federation Starfleet Lieutenants Jasminder Choudhury and T'Ryssa Chen under cover identities joined a group of Romulan Unificationists who traveled to Janalwa to advise the Devotionalists, led by Yeffir. The Romulans tried to stress the importance of non-violence, but a public rally ended in conflict when the Inquisitors and Breen troops used force to break up the protest. After regrouping, the Devotionalists held a second rally the following day, but Grand Inquisitor Bishop Rasec and Ghoc Reyd attempted to incite the Devotionalists and make them out as the aggressors. However, the Devotionalists stood calm and unarmed in the face of weapons fire, until Vicar General Tepesor forced a cease fire. Footage and news of the Niamlar Massacre spread across the Holy Order, leading to widespread criticism of Pontifex Maxima Ykredna's regime. (ST - Typhon Pact eBook: The Struggle Within)


The capital of Janalwa was the city of Rashtag and its center was Niamlar Circle. Niamlar Circle was and would always be the geometric center of Rashtag, as any new construction was planned carefully to maintain the purity of the circle, considered the holiest shape to the Kinshaya.

The eastern quadrant of the Niamlar Circle housed the Cathedral of State, a massive multi-domed building that served as the base of operations for the Pontifex Maxima of the Holy Order of the Kinshaya and the Episcopate of the Holy Order. (ST - Typhon Pact eBook: The Struggle Within)

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