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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Shenzhou.

In the mirror universe, the ISS Shenzhou (NCC-1227) was a Terran Imperial starship, a Walker-class vessel in Imperial Starfleet service in the mid-23rd century. The ship was commanded by Captain Michael Burnham, until she was presumed killed. (DSC episode: "Despite Yourself")


Captain Michael Burnham was in command of the Shenzhou until she went missing on a mission to hunt the Imperial traitor Gabriel Lorca at the behest of the Emperor of the Terran Empire.

Danby Connor ascended to captaincy when Burnham was presumed killed. The Shenzhou was hunting anti-Terran rebels when his ship was summoned by the USS Discovery, disguised as the ISS Discovery, to Porathia. When Connor challenged the supposedly returned Captain Burnham - really the primary universe Michael Burnham - he was killed by her in self-defense. Burnham was then re-instated as captain. (DSC episode: "Despite Yourself")

The Shenzhou was then ordered to Harlak to destroy a rebel encampment there and kill the Rebels/Klingon Resistance's leader, the "Fire Wolf". When the Shenzhou failed to destroy the camp right away, the Terran flagship, ISS Charon, arrived and carried out the orbital bombardment of the planet under orders from Emperor Georgiou. Both Burnham and Gabriel Lorca were ordered to the the Charon and took one of the Shenzhou's shuttles to the flagship. (DSC episodes: "The Wolf Inside", "Vaulting Ambition")

Hours after the Charon was destroyed, the Shenzhou conducted a sensor sweep of the debris left by it's destruction for survivors. Commander Joann Owosekun and Lieutenant Keyla Detmer then argued about who should command the Shenzhou. The Shenzhou then found a shuttle with Lord Henshu aboard it. The Shenzhou then informed Lord Alexander of the Emperor's death and Lorca and Burnham's part in her death and the the flagship's destruction. Detmer then killed Henshu and named herself the Shenzhou's new captain. Despite the new Emperor's order to return to Earth, Detmer then decided to attack the rebel stronghold on Skel Minor in order to prove that Shenzhou should be the new flagship. However, Detmer, Owosekun, and the bridge crew were then killed by Airiam who threatened the remaining crew by cutting off life support to other parts of the ship. She then named herself the new captain of the Shenzhou.

The Shenzhou then went to a station to pick up a toxin and its dispersal pods. The Shenzhou was then ordered to Gemaris V. However, Airiam had the Shenzhou destroy the station. Airiam then set the Shenzhou's course to Qo'noS and refused to follow the Empire's orders. The Shenzhou attacked the ISS Constellation under Captain Decker upon it's arrival at Qo'noS. The Shenzhou then beamed up Captain Burnham, L'Rell, Amanda Grayson, and Kol aboard the ship. The Shenzhou then went to Earth to help Burnham reclaim the throne from Alexander. Upon it's arrival, the Shenzhou beamed Burnham and her party to meet with Airiam's contact, Katrina Cornwell. (DSC - Succession comics: "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3")


For an illustrated list, see ISS Shenzhou personnel roster.



Ships named Shenzhou
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
USS Shenzhou (NCC-1227, Walker-class) • USS Shenzhou (NCC-91220, Shenzhou-class) • see also: Shenzhou-class UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Shenzhou (NCC-1227, Walker-class) Seal of the Terran Empire.
Walker-class starships
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
standard configuration Edison • Pooma • Shenzhou • Walker Federation icon image. Federation Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Georgiou-subclass: Georgiou • Lancelot-subclass: Leondegrance • Shenzhou-subclass: Kamran • Kennedy • Shenzhou
Terran Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
standard configuration Shenzhou Terran Empire icon image.

Appearances and references[]


External links[]
