Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Gamma Hromi II was the second planet in the Gamma Hromi system which sustained a population in 2381.

Volnath was murdered by Yuta as an act of revenge during Gatherer peace negotiations on the world in 2366. (ST website:, TNG episode: "The Vengeance Factor") gives the date of this event as 2633. It refers to the world as "Gama Hromi" - it unclear if this is a typo or a shortened version of the name given to the planet.

During the Borg Invasion of 2381, over seven thousand Borg cubes launched a simultaneous attack on the Alpha and Beta Quadrants from the Azure Nebula; while briefing Federation President Nanietta Bacco on their losses, Raisa Shostakova estimated that Gamma Hromi II was likely to be attacked within four hours. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals)


Pi Canis sector block
Hromi Cluster (Gamma Hromi, Gamma Hromi II)
Hromi sector Gateway (Alpha Zeta, UFC 465537) system (Gateway) • JFS47 system • Kalferi system (Kalferi II) • Korvat system (Korvat • Korvat I • Korvat II • Korvat III) • Maiewski system (Maiewski Prime) • Veyga (Eta Veyga) system (Veyga IV)
Mempa sector Beta Thoridor system (Beta Thoridor planet) • Ceron system • Da'Kel system (Da'Kel I • Da'Kel II, Gion • Da'Kel III) • Eriksson system • H'atoria system (H'atoria) • Lilitu system • Mempa system (Mempa II • Mempa IV • Mempa V • Mempa VII • Mempa VIII • Mempa IX) • M'rade system • Vesper system (Vesper II) • Vor system (Vor II)
Xarantine sector Danteri system (Danter) • Honod system • Kern system (Kern III) • Laurentian system • Seedea system • Trimble system (Trimble) • Xarantine system (Xarantine VI)

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