Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"Defiant, Issue 8" is a comic, the eighth issue of the Star Trek: Defiant series from IDW Publishing, released on 4 October 2023.


Arc two of the acclaimed Star Trek: Defiant series starts here! Still reeling from the battle on Qo'noS, Worf and the Defiant crew have been ordered to return to Starfleet headquarters where they await learning the Federation's thoughts on their involvement in the fight against Kahless and the Red Path.



GomekEdward JellicoKira NerysLatinum (corgi)MasriMornAlynna NechayevQuarkRo LarenAlexander RozhenkoSelaSpockB'Elanna TorresNymira VondectWorf
Referenced only
Benny the MunchDataHughKahless IIJames T. KirkKorath, son of MonakLoreLeonard McCoyTom ParisChristopher PikeBerlinghoff RasmussenBenjamin Sisko

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Defiant (Defiant-class escort) • IRW Norevex (D'deridex-class)
Referenced only
USS TheseusUSS EnterpriseUSS Enterprise-D


CaliforniaDeep Space 9EarthIowaMojaveRiversideRomulan Neutral ZoneStarfleet Headquarters
Referenced only
BajorBeta QuadrantDeep Space 3Delta QuadrantQo'noSRator IIIRomulusSigma Iotia IIStarbase 214Talos IVTyphon Expanse

Races and cultures[]

Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Borg CollectiveFederationGorn HegemonyKlingon EmpireRed PathSection 31StarfleetTal Shiar

Other references[]

atrial fibrillationcardiomyopathyOrb of CreationPrime Directive




Star Trek: Defiant (DFT) Series title image.
Defiant, Volume 1 "Issue 1" • "Issue 2" • "Issue 3" • "Issue 4" • "Issue 5"
Day of Blood crossovers "Part 2" (Issue 6)"Part 4" (Issue 7)
Another Piece of the Action (Vol. 2) "Part 1" (Issue 8)"Part 2" (Issue 9)"Part 3" (Issue 10)"Part 4" (Issue 11) • "Annual 2024"
Hell Is Only a Word (Vol. 3) "Part 1" (Issue 12)"Part 2" (Issue 13)"Part 3" (Issue 14)"Part 4" (Issue 15)"Part 5" (Issue 16)


previous comic:
Defiant, Issue 7
Star Trek: Defiant next comic:
Defiant, Issue 9