Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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Voting was the process used by a group to make a collective decision or opinion following a meeting, discussion, or debate. A democracy functioned based on votes tallied during an election, while the outcome of a trial was based on the votes taken from a jury.

Often votes on a case need to be unanimous. (TNG: "Angel One") Those that were not may result in a deadlock. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")


With so many voices in the United Federation of Planets, voting decided who was in control. (SNW: "Spock Amok")

Prior to the Babel Conference aboard the USS Enterprise in 2268, Tellarite Ambassador Gav confronted Vulcan Ambassador Sarek about his vote to admit Coridan into the Federation. Initially, Sarek stonewalled Gav, and explained that "the vote will not be taken here, Ambassador Gav. My government's instructions will be heard in the council chambers on Babel." When Gav was asked by Andorian Ambassador Shras why he cared what Sarek's vote was, Gav contended that "In council, his vote carries others. I will know where he stands and why." Later, when Gav again confronted Sarek about his vote, Sarek responded, "You seem unwilling to wait for the council meeting, ambassador. No matter. We favor admission." (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

During the 2370 vote for the next kai of Bajor, Vedek Bareil Antos asked Kira Nerys if she was going to vote for him during his personal appearance with her aboard Deep Space 9 where he hoped to sway her opinion of him, seeing as she didn't always agree with many of his views. Kira jokingly told Bariel that she was going to vote for Vedek Tolena, but was still open to his attempt to persuade her to change her mind. In response, Bariel told her, "Good. Because your vote is the only one that matters to me." (DS9: "The Collaborator")


After Janice Lester had undergone a life-entity transfer with James T. Kirk in 2269, Kirk-Lester convened a hearing to consider the charges and specifications of a general court martial on Spock on the charge of mutiny, for conspiring with Lester-Kirk. Kirk's senior officers, Doctor Leonard McCoy and Mister Montgomery Scott, were then given the task of voting based on the evidence presented by Spock and Lester-Kirk. During a brief recess, McCoy and Scott discussed the likelihood of the probably two to one outcome in favor of freeing Spock and how such a vote would "stick in [Kirk-Lester's] craw", one Kirk-Lester would not accept. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")

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