Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The following is a list of United States military personnel:


While referenced in Trek as President of the United States, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Dwight D. Eisenhower were generals in the US Army and would reach that office largely on the basis of their wartime exploits (the same was true of Grant, but his mention in "The Savage Curtain" refers to his Civil War service rather than his subsequent political career), while Theodore Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, and George H.W. Bush would use their status as combat veterans to help launch political careers which would eventually lead them to the White House.

Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Pete Conrad, as well as Enterprise guest stars E. Michael Fincke and Terry Virts, served as military aviators before being selected by NASA to join the Astronaut Corps.

Two groups of Enterprise guest stars (Robert S. Pickering, Timothy J. Whittington and Sara Elizabeth Pizzo in "Desert Crossing", James D. Frey, Kathleen J. Grant and Thomas P. Hunt in "First Flight") served aboard the modern USS Enterprise; each had been honored as a "Sailor of the Year" and rewarded, among other things, with a walk-on role on the show.

Unnamed armed forces personnel []

Air Force[]

Captain []

Omaha Base captain

Omaha Base captain

This Air Force Captain was stationed at an Air Force Base in 1969.

That year he was on duty when RADAR Technician Webb detected a blip, registered by the sudden appearance of the USS Enterprise over the Omaha installation. The captain telephoned Air Defense Command to report the sighting of what was determined to be a UFO. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

The Air Force Captain was played by Mark Dempsey.

Air Police Sergeant []

Air Police Sergeant

Air police sergeant

The Air Police Sergeant was a staff sergeant stationed at the US 498th Airbase Group in Omaha, Nebraska in 1969. The military ribbon awards he is wearing are for the Air Force Cross Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross Medal, Air Medal, American Defense Medal, Korean Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon and the Republic of Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon.

He was on patrol of the facility when he discovered Kirk and Sulu who had entered the base to retrieve the hard evidence of their presence, including video recordings. Upon their discovery, the sergeant took their equipment, inadvertently activating the emergency signal. Spock immediately beamed the source of the beacon – the sergeant – to the Enterprise, further endangering the timeline and complicating the mission. Aboard ship, the sergeant was clearly overwhelmed by what he saw around him, and never left the transporter room. A helpful Kyle even served him chicken soup there.

The sergeant was returned to his proper time and place during the slingshot effect experiment that returned the Enterprise to its proper time and place, merging with his earlier self and effectively erasing the history in which he visited the ship. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

The air police staff sergeant was played by actor Hal Lynch. His rank was listed as simply sergeant in the script and credits, but he could be identified as a staff sergeant by his uniform insignia. The Air Police Sergeant was also wearing several high level Air Force decorations such as the Air Force Cross, Air Medal, and the Distinguished Flying Cross. He also wears two presidential unit citations for the Korean and Vietnam Wars but does not wear the corresponding service medals.

Air Policeman #1 []

Air Policeman 1

Air policeman

This air policeman, ranked airman basic, accompanied Colonel Fellini when Kirk and Sulu inadvertently triggered a silent alarm while retrieving tapes so that there would be no record of the Enterprise traveling back in time. Kirk, who was captured while allowing Sulu to escape, was later rescued by Spock, who arrived and overpowered Fellini and the airman, the latter of which was subjected to a Vulcan neck pinch. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

The air policeman was played by an unknown performer.

Air Policeman #2 []

Air Policeman 2

Air policeman

This air policeman, who was ranked airman basic, also accompanied Colonel Fellini to check the silent alarm during Kirk and Sulu's break-in. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

The air policeman was played by John Burnside.

Air Policeman #3 []

Air Policeman 3

Air Force guard

This air policeman, with the rank of airman basic, stood as a guard outside Colonel Fellini's office, while he was interrogating Kirk. He greeted Captain John Christopher when he approached the door, before Sulu knocked him unconscious. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

This Air Policeman was played by Jim Spencer.

US 498th Airbase personnel []

US 498th Airbase personnel at the hangar and tarmac when Captain John Christopher intercepted the USS Enterprise over the US 498th Airbase Group in Omaha, Nebraska in 1969. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

They were played by unknown performers, and their appearance is taken from stock footage.


Confederate soldiers []

American Civil War, time stream

Confederate Army cavalry men charging

These Confederate Army cavalry soldiers were fighting in the American Civil War, sometime between 1861 and 1865. They were seen attacking an Union Army artillery position in the time stream by Captain Archer and Daniels in 2154. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

They were played by unknown performers, who appeared in stock footage from an as of yet unidentified Hollywood production.


MPs []

These MPs were stationed at the United States Army Air Forces base including Hangar 18 on Earth in 1947. The first MP guarded the Ferengi Quark, Rom, and Nog inside the viewing room and was knocked unconscious by Odo. The other two guards accompanied General Denning when they stopped Garland, Jeff, and the Ferengi outside of the building but were also knocked out by Odo. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

MP guards []

Two MP guards stood watch outside the building Quark, Rom, and Nog were held in, and also provided security inside when General Denning and his people conversed with the alien visitors. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

US Army Air Forces major []

US Army major

A US Army major watches Quark, Rom and Nog

A US Army Air Forces major was present when several men and women in US military uniforms stood on the other side of a two-way mirror in a lab, watching Quark, Rom, and Nog who had gone back in time and crashed near Roswell in 1947. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

Played by an unknown actor.

Union soldiers 1 []

Civil war soldiers guardian of forever

Union infantry attacking

These Union infantry soldiers were fighting in the American Civil War, sometime between 1861 and 1865. They were viewed by the USS Enterprise landing party in 2267 via the Guardian of Forever. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")

They were played by unknown performers, who appeared in stock footage from a classic film.

Union soldiers 2 []

American Civil War, time stream

Union artillery men under attack

These Union artillery soldiers were also fighting in the American Civil War, being attacked by Confederate Army cavalry, sometime between 1861 and 1865. They were seen in the time stream by Captain Jonathan Archer and Daniels in 2154. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

They were played by unknown performers, who appeared in stock footage from an as of yet unidentified Hollywood production.

World War I soldiers []

Woodrow Wilson, time stream World War I, time stream
US troops inspected by their Commander-in-Chief, President Woodrow Wilson on the left, and in battle on the right

These soldiers were fighting in World War I, somewhere between 1914 and 1918. They were seen in the time stream by Captain Jonathan Archer and Daniels in 2154. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

The soldiers were portrayed by unknown people, who appeared via stock footage. The image on the left is real world historical footage of Wilson inspecting British, not American, troops during his December 1918 state visit to France, whereas the image on the right is taken from the 1927 Paramount Pictures silent war movie Wings (the very first "Best Picture" Academy Award winner). Shot on location near San Antonio, Texas, and intended to depict the 1918 Battle of Saint-Mihiel, the soldiers seen were actual service men from the 2nd Infantry Division (which had actually taken part in the battle) and the Texas National Guard, on loan by Army and Guard to serve as extras on the movie, 3,500 in total. [1]


Enterprise crew[]


Travers' husband []

In an alternate timeline created by the Temporal Cold War, Mr. Travers served aboard a destroyer in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. He was married to Alicia Travers, who was a resistance fighter for the American Resistance in New York City. (ENT: "Storm Front")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
