Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MA PRO star
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.

The USS Prodigy (NCC-81084) was a Protostar-class Federation starship launched in 2385. Originally intended for exploration purposes, the Attack on Mars led to the Prodigy becoming a training ship instead. (PRO: "Ouroboros, Part II")


Protostar class, 2384

The Prodigy under construction on Earth

In 2384, Starfleet ordered the Protostar-class into full development after the success of the prototype ship, the USS Protostar. When the former crew of the Protostar saw the under construction Prodigy emerge from its hanger, they asked if that was their ship. However, Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway stated that she had a different ship in mind for them. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")

Months later, when Zero wondered if they were going to take a Protostar-class ship, The Doctor stated that the new Protostar-class ship was still under construction and they would be taking the USS Voyager-A instead. (PRO: "Into the Breach, Part I")

By the time of the Attack on Mars in 2385, the Prodigy was complete. However, Starfleet turned its focus to defense rather than exploration as a result of the attack. As the Protostar-class was deemed to only be useful for exploration, the Prodigy was scheduled to be decommissioned, but Janeway got it turned into a training ship in a new pilot program under her command with Hologram Janeway – the original Protostar's Emergency Training Hologram – acting as both the ship's training advisor and Emergency Command Hologram. Janeway, Captain Chakotay, and The Doctor gave Dal R'El, Rok-Tahk, Jankom Pog, Gwyndala, Murf, Zero, and Maj'el field commissions as ensigns and assigned them to the Prodigy. Although Dal had acted as the captain of the Protostar, he instead chose to serve as the Prodigy's acting first officer while Gwyn served as acting captain. (PRO: "Ouroboros, Part II")



