Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

List of unnamed Vulcans from the 24th century.

Archaeologist []

Vulcan archaeologist

A Vulcan archaeologist

In 2367, a Vulcan archaeologist was on the Federation Archaeology Council and attended Captain Picard's lecture about the ruins of Tagus III aboard the USS Enterprise-D. He also attended the banquet in Ten Forward and talked to Picard. This conversation was interrupted by Vash. (TNG: "Qpid")

This Vulcan was played by background actor B.K. Byron who filmed his scenes on Friday 8 February 1991 on Paramount Stage 8.

His costume was previously worn by actor William Denis as Ki Mendrossen in the episode "Sarek".

Children's choir []

These children sang to welcome USS Voyager home in 2390 of an alternate timeline. Harry Kim recalled the event when asked to by The Doctor. (VOY: "Timeless")

These children were only mentioned in dialogue.

Deep Space 9 visitors []

These five visitors were aboard Deep Space 9 in 2381.

The first male visited the Quark's Bar there, where he purchased several gifts.

The female was on the upper level of the Promenade when Captain Carol Freeman gave a tour of the station to the visiting Karemma.

The second male was inside the bar socializing with the second Vulcan female when Freeman entered with the visiting Karemma. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

The third female was on the lower level of the Promenade when Captain Freeman gave a tour of the station to the visiting Karemma and noted on the variety of species the station hosts. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")


In 2373, this diplomat told a group of Orion free traders the news about the non-aggression pact between the Dominion and the Romulan Star Empire. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Long range shuttle crew []

Vulcan in underwear 1

Brown-haired man

Vulcan in underwear 2

Black-haired man

In 2380, two armed men aboard a long range shuttle were incapacitated by Sam Rutherford using a nerve pinch. Their robes and shuttle were then stolen by a team from the USS Cerritos that also included Shaxs and Andy Billups during a mission to a museum on Vulcan. Shaxs referred to the two as "Spock and Spock." Shaxs, Billups, and Rutherford parachuted out of the shuttle as it was entering the atmosphere. (LD: "Veritas")

Master []

This master sold Tuvok a meditation lamp in 2368, doubling the price when he saw Tuvok and Kathryn Janeway's Starfleet insignias. When Janeway told Kes about it in 2374, the Ocampa stated that she was sure it was the logical thing to do. (VOY: "The Gift")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Mirror universe inhabitants[]

Racquetball player []

This racquetball player was Julian Bashir's finals opponent in the Sector Championships as team captain at Starfleet Medical Academy in 2368.

Bashir recalled the game to Miles O'Brien, upon revealing his history with the sport, expressing how impressed he was with the Vulcan opponent's stamina, and that "I don't think he ever actually broke a sweat." Bashir ultimately beat his opponent with "a back wall riser shot." (DS9: "Rivals")

This opponent was only mentioned in dialogue.

Risa visitor []

Vulcan on Risa

A Vulcan on Risa in 2366

In 2366, this female was on vacation on Risa while Captain Jean-Luc Picard took shore leave on the planet. (TNG: "Captain's Holiday")

This Vulcan was played by an unknown actress.

Ronara bar patrons []

These two patrons had a drink in a bar on Ronara Prime in the Demilitarized Zone in 2370 when Ro Laren was on an undercover mission to infiltrate the Maquis. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")

Scientists []

These three scientists checked and equipped the Jellyfish prior to its launch. (Star Trek)

All three Vulcans were played by background performers who received no credit for their appearances. They can be seen during a flashback while Spock performed the Vulcan mind meld with Kirk on Delta Vega.

Sek's mate []

This female mated with Sek and produced a daughter, T'Meni. (VOY: "Hunters")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Sh'vhal personnel[]

Starbase 25 visitors []

These visitors were on the promenade aboard Starbase 25 when Mariner and Boimler drove through in a kart while being chased by station security. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Starfleet personnel[]

Vulcans who were in Starfleet have their information listed under Starfleet personnel articles

See also

Trade Agreements Conference attendee []

Vulcan at Trade Agreements Conference

A Vulcan attending a conference

This female was attending the Trade Agreements Conference on Betazed in 2366, as well as the reception in Ten Forward on the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")

This Vulcan was portrayed by an unknown actress.

Traveler 1 []

This male was in the shuttle landing area of "Little Qo'noS" with a female traveler on Tulgana IV in 2380 when the Yosemite took off under the control of General K'orin. (LD: "Envoys")

In 2381, he visited Starbase 25. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers" Later the same year, he visited Dulaine and was briefly stranded aboard the USS Cerritos. (LD: "The Least Dangerous Game")

Traveler 2 []

This female was in the shuttle landing area of "Little Qo'noS" with a male traveler on Tulgana IV in 2380 when the Yosemite took off under the control of General K'orin. (LD: "Envoys")

She later visited Qualor II in 2381. (LD: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")

Later that year, she visited the Dove. During her visit, she held a glass of lemonade and was nearby when the USS Cerritos' engineering staff beamed in. (LD: "Room for Growth")

Traveler 3 []

Vulcan starship interior, 2381

Aboard a Vulcan starship

This male traveler visited the Vulcan museum on Vulcan in 2380. (LD: "Veritas")

In 2381, he was on the bridge of a Vulcan starship that was docked aboard Starbase 25 in 2381.

During the kart pursuit of Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler by station security, both Mariner and one of the security vehicles drove through the open doors of this ship as it was docked in the shuttlebay, prompting him to state to the female, "Fascinating".

Later, they both walked together on the promenade near the entrance to Ballroom Alpha where that years' Command Conference afterparty was taking place. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

The male crewmember was voiced by an unknown actor.

Traveler 4 []

This traveler visited the Vulcan museum on Vulcan in 2380. (LD: "Veritas")

Traveler 5 []

This male traveler visited the Vulcan museum on Vulcan in 2380. (LD: "Veritas")

He was later ascending the stairway that Boimler begged Mariner not to go down, ahead of two Taxor shoppers. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

He later visited Tulgana IV. (LD: "Reflections")

Traveler 6 []

Vulcan starship interior, 2381

Aboard a starship

This female traveler visited the Vulcan museum on Vulcan in 2380. (LD: "Veritas")

In 2381, she was aboard the bridge of a Vulcan starship that was docked aboard Starbase 25 in 2381.

During the kart pursuit of Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler by station security, both Mariner and one of the security vehicles drove through the open doors of this ship as it was docked in the shuttlebay.

Later, they both walked together on the promenade near the entrance to Ballroom Alpha where that years' Command Conference afterparty was taking place. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Later that year, she visited the recruitment booths on Tulgana IV. (LD: "Reflections")

Traveler 7 []

This female traveler visited the Vulcan museum on Vulcan in 2380. (LD: "Veritas")

She was later visiting the promenade on Starbase 25 when Mariner and Boimler drove through in a kart while being chased by station security. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Traveler 8 []

This male traveler visited the Vulcan museum on Vulcan in 2380. (LD: "Veritas")

In 2381, he was browsing in a fine men's clothing store when Mariner and Boimler drove through in a kart while being chased by station security. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Traveler 9 []

This male traveler visited the Vulcan museum on Vulcan in 2380. (LD: "Veritas")

He was later on the promenade aboard Starbase 25 speaking to a Bolian visitor when Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler arrived on the station. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Tuvok and T'Pel's middle sons []

The middle sons of Tuvok and T'Pel, younger brothers to Sek, and elder brothers of Asil. (VOY: "Elogium")

Tuvok noted that his wife was in labor with their third child for ninety six hours. (VOY: "Deadlock")

The youngest son was fond of the song "Falor's Journey" and often asked his father to play it on his lute. (VOY: "Innocence")

These Vulcans were only mentioned in dialogue.

Their names are given in non-canon sources as Varith (β) and Elieth (β).

T'Vran captain[]

Volan III inhabitant[]

Vorik's mate []

This female was chosen to be Vorik's mate.

In 2373, when B'Elanna Torres attempted to deflect his marriage proposal by asking if he already had somebody, he explained that due to his being lost with USS Voyager, she had most likely chosen another mate. (VOY: "Blood Fever")

This Vulcan was only mentioned in dialogue.

The Distant Shores short story "Letting Go" gives her name as Selmar (β).

Vulcan Council members []

These two members of the Vulcan Council agreed that Spock should pilot the Jellyfish and fire the red matter into the supernova to save Romulus in 2387. (Star Trek)

Both Vulcans were played by background performers who can be seen during a flashback while Spock performed the mind meld with Kirk on Delta Vega.

Vulcan museum visitors []

Visitors to the Vulcan museum on Vulcan in 2380. (LD: "Veritas")

Wedding attendees []

These civilians attended the wedding of William Riker and Deanna Troi in 2379.

While the crowd laughed at best man Jean-Luc Picard's toast, the female, who sat behind Guinan, kept her unemotional face.

The first male civilian sat next to the female Vulcan, while the second male civilian, who was somewhat taller with lighter hair, sat alone. (Star Trek Nemesis)

The dress worn by Jessica Wheal to the wedding is a reuse of the Vulcan dress worn by Doctor T'Pan in TNG: "Suspicions". Her wig was later sold off on the web. [1]

The character played by Dieter Hornemann may also be the "real" Lieutenant Kinis, a character portrayed by Hornemann in VOY: "In the Flesh".

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