Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
For the star, please see Minos Korva (star).

Minos Korva was a Federation planetary system in Sector 21527 of the Alpha Quadrant. The system was eleven light years from the McAllister C-5 Nebula. The history of this system in the 24th century was found in the file "Summary System Report 58383-98: Minos Korva".


23rd century[]

By the late 2250s, the civilization in this system had developed warp travel and had or was in the process of being inducted into the United Federation of Planets.

In 2259, the location of this system was labeled on a stellar cartography chart that was seen on the USS Enterprise's ready room viewscreen. The system's symbol had a blue color, indicating that it was affiliated with the Federation. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds", "Children of the Comet", "Spock Amok")

24th century[]

In the 2340s, on stardate 20483, this system was surveyed by the USS Exeter. The starship reported that the primary Minos Korva was a main sequence G-class star with twelve planets. One of these planets was an uninhabited Class M planet in the primary habitable zone.

In the same decade, on stardate 20843, the USS Berlin completed a long range cometary survey of this system. The survey revealed an anomalous population of rocky methane ice bodies. It was nearly 12% greater than results predicted by the Tezber Planetary Evolution Models.

Six months after the survey, Secretary of Exploration M. Piller orchestrated the annexation of this system into Federation territory. The secretary put in a recommendation for an extended range security perimeter to be established for this system; however, this was deferred.

In the Federation-Cardassian War, the Cardassians attempted to annex Minos Korva. The Cardassian Central Command claimed that a Federation stellar cartography map was in error. According to the Cardassians, the border's position through several sectors was the result of a miscalibration by a reference beacon and that the border should be adjusted 4.7 light years towards the galactic center. Soon after, the Cardassians announced their intent to occupy the system and to establish orbital outposts around three planets. The intention was not carried out in response to objections by Federation authorities, who accompanied their words with the assignment of three Excelsior-class starships to Sector 21528.

In 2369, the system was approximately four light years from the Federation-Cardassian border. In that year, Starfleet believed that the Cardassians would launch an invasion of Minos Korva from the McAllister C-5 Nebula. The invasion was avoided because the USS Enterprise-D, under the command of Captain Edward Jellico, preemptively prevented the invasion by detecting the Cardassian fleet hiding in the nebula. (TNG-R: "Chain Of Command, Part II")

Galen mentioned this incident at Minos Korva when he described William T. Riker's tendency for insubordination to Arctus Baran in 2370. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I"; PIC: "Maps and Legends")

The system's location was labeled in a Federation star chart that was in Fleet Admiral Kirsten Clancy's office at Starfleet Headquarters in 2399 and on the bridge of the USS Titan-A in 2401. The Minos Korva system was in or near to Federation space. (PIC: "Maps and Legends", "The Next Generation", "Disengage")

According to the chart seen in "Maps and Legends", Minos Korva was no longer close to the Federation-Cardassian border, as it had been moved at least 45 light years away by this point.

According to the pronunciation guide for "Chain of Command, Part II", Minos Korva was pronounced as "mee-nos KOR-va".

32nd century[]

In 3189, the location of Minos Korva was denoted on a holographic star chart of the galaxy at Federation Headquarters. (DIS: "Scavengers")
