Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Kelvas facility was a Cardassian repair facility located in the Kelvas system in the 24th century.

In 2375, Breen engineers were installing energy-dampening weapons aboard Jem'Hadar attack ships at the repair facility. A five-person team from the Cardassian Rebellion was able to infiltrate the station and steal one of the retrofitted attack ships, bringing the weapon back to the Federation for study. (DS9: "Tacking Into the Wind")

The Kelvas repair facility appears on the cover sleeve of the UK VHS release of "When It Rains..." and "Tacking Into the Wind".

Since Luaran was surprised to see the Female Founder in her sector, while she was on Cardassia shortly before, the facility seems to have been in a different sector then Cardassia Prime.

For more information on this CGI model, please see DS9 studio models.

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