Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Bajoran raiders, or more specifically sub-impulse raiders, were antiquated, lightly-armed sub-impulse powered raiders used by the Bajorans during the mid-24th century.

Technical data[]

The Bajoran engineers who designed the craft built them without comfort in mind, offering cramped quarters and requiring occupants to bend their knees to fit in the seats. Although capable of achieving a high-altitude orbit, these vessels were most effective in atmospheric altitudes. The vessels were armed with dual phaser emitters and were equipped with fire extinguishers under the seats. (DS9: "The Siege")


The Bajoran Resistance readily used these vessels during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. Although these raiders were substantially inferior to Cardassian vessels, the Bajorans still managed to annoy the Cardassians enough to achieve success on many missions. Around 2360, Bajorans associated with Li Nalas managed to store a few sub-impulse raiders underground at the Lunar V base before the Cardassians hit them.

In 2370, while attempting to prove the Cardassians were behind the coup against the Bajoran Provisional Government, Kira Nerys opted to take a raider from the Lunar V base to Bajor in order to avoid capture by Alliance for Global Unity-influenced Bajoran Militia. (DS9: "The Siege")

Teero's raider image

Image of raider kept by Teero

The same year, these raiders were used by the Maquis, and were among the squadron of ships said to consist of Federation starships emitting Federation warp signatures. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")

Among the memorabilia kept in Teero Anaydis' location of operation, in 2377, were several posters and graphics of various Maquis vessels, including an image of a Bajoran raider. (VOY: "Repression")

Ships of the class[]




Background information[]

The Bajoran raider first appeared in "The Siege". The script of the episode described it as: "the smallest, most archaic looking spacecraft we've ever seen on Star Trek. In 20th century terms, it's a biplane". (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library)

For more information on this studio model, see DS9 studio models.

Models of the Bajoran raider was released by Galoob as part of the Star Trek: Micro Machines range and by Eaglemoss as part of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection.

The Bajoran raider model was re-used to portray the transport Mercury in Jonathan Frakes' Star Trek spoof Star Patrol! in 2000.

Technical Manual[]

The following specifications, which described this vessel as a "Bajoran impulse ship", were presented in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual:

  • Production base: Bajoran Militia Secured Factory #5
  • Type: Strike fighter
  • Accommodation: Two flight crew
  • Power plant: One microfusion impulse system (fighter); Coanda-cycle chemical/air-ram system (raider)
  • Dimensions: Length, 33.10 meters; beam, 33.17 meters; height, 11.23 meters
  • Mass: 108.96 metric tons
  • Performance: Maximum delta-v, 15,600 meters per second
  • Armament: Six or more phased polaron beam weapons; possibly other weapons

The above Armament statement is presumably a copy-paste error in the book from technical information regarding the Jem'Hadar battle cruiser.

External link[]
