I write an answer to the general question of what should I do when I think an answer was generated by AI?
The short answer is: you can treat it like any other answer.
Is it a good answer? Upvote it, and consider accepting it if it is great.
Is it a bad answer? Downvote it. If it's irrelevant or not an answer to the question at all, flag it as such. Cast delete votes as necessary.
In my experience, purely AI generated answers are grammatically slushy, mathematically incorrect piles of garbage. So when I say "treat it like any other answer", I mean that you should treat bad AI answers like the low quality answers that they are by downvoting (and maybe deleting) them.
Remember that there are automated system limits imposed on accounts giving mostly low quality answers: first answers are rate-limited, and then banned outright. These systems are triggered by having a certain number of downvoted/deleted answers in comparison to the number of well-received answers.
And I really mean it: downvote low quality answers. Commenting is not sufficient. Flagging is not sufficient. The converse also helps: upvote high quality, useful answers!
I will also note that the treatment of AI generated answers was one of the major aspects leading to the ongoing moderator strike (and for broad information, the number of unhandled flags on main is nearing 1000).