List of all notable quotes by or about Bailey Briggs (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
You told me that it could've been anyone. One life. Every life. Whenever you can. You said that's what it's all about. And if I do that... you'd always be cool with me living the spider-life. That hasn't changed. Has it?
One night was all it took... for all of my so-called "friends" to think I was some kind of monster! The world may have forgotten me, but this is worse. None of you know me! Well, maybe I don't wanna know you! I'm done being your sidekick! I don't want to be part of your family! I don't need you or the F.E.A.S.T. Center! Or any of it! There's only one person on my side now! And that's me!
Isn't it obvious, my friends? We are all of one mind now. We are a cluster of spiders! A colony! Dare I say... a Superior Colony!
See, today, I learned I've got the best super-power of 'em all... and that's all the friends I make along the way. It's your choice. You can stand down--or against me.
I don't get it. Did I do something to deserve this? Is it because I said I don't want to be Spider-Boy anymore? That I want to be me... instead of helping people? Is that so wrong? I just want my life back... and my mom back... I just want... somebody to fix this.
Thor | Thou speaketh spider? |
Spider-Boy | Yeah. I do. |
Thor | Asgardian spider? |
Spider-Boy | I doth. |
Spider-Woman | Listen, Bailey... I'm sorry I don't remember meeting you. You are clearly an exceptional kid, and your fangs are pretty cool. And knowing that someone else remembers Gerry... it means a lot to me. |
Spider-Boy | Well, uhh... thanks. And you're welcome? |
Spider-Woman | Right back at ya. And I'd totally team up with you again. But we might need to rain-check that... because I've survived some pretty heavy stuff lately. And I tried to put off feeling all that entailed, but it caught up with me anyway. Which is probably, all things considered, a good thing. |
Spider-Girl | Hi. I'm Spider-Girl, but you can call me Mayday. So? What brings you to Earth-982? |
Spider-Boy | It's a Spider-Verse thing. |
Spider-Girl | Ugh. Say no more. |
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