List of all notable quotes by or about Abigail Thanriaguiaxus (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
Okay, this is a ludicrously high-tech gun so it doesn't have anything which makes a handily intimidating noise. So imagine a 'cllllick!' at this point.
If I wanted to share my intimates with a work-obsessed, emotional shut-in, I'd start talking to the mirror. Let's go and save the world.
You fly because the rest of us are stuck on the ground, Danvers. You're not flying away from us. You're flying for us.
When this thing starts it's gonna happen fast. You know the drill. Everyone holds the line. Zero room for error. You're here because you're the best of the best, so trust your instincts and we can make a real difference today. Copy that? Battle stations!
Okay. A shell of organic Symbiotes material--what the Venom symbiote is made of--has formed around the Earth. It's blocking the sun and restricting all communication. Nothing seems to breach it. And according to Charles Xavier--before we lost contact--it's connected to a god of darkness from before the dawn of time. So... we have a situation. Give me a full spectrum report.
Eden Fesi is not a teleporter. People treat him like one, but that's not what he is at all. Eden Fesi talks to space.
So, for the record -- when Emperor Hulkling sent that distress signal to Alpha Flight, there was every chance Gyrich would have passed it along to the Avengers. Hulkling's one of their own -- their problem, by his thinking. And, of course, they'd have all gone running to help.
I just couldn't have that.
I just couldn't have that.
I don't have a problem with you and ORCHIS taking out Krakoa, Henry. Honestly? It's what needs to happen--and soon. But I have a problem with you being so bad at it.
Okay, this is a ludicrously high-tech gun so it doesn't have anything which makes a handily intimidating noise. So imagine a 'cllllick!' at this point.
We call this mysterium. A unique meta-material, condensed from certain exotic particles. The recipe is need to know--but Earth's mutants are the only ones who can currently create it. Bear that in mind.
Rocket Raccoon | Hey, dumb things!! Blam! I just murdered you! |
Abigail Brand | Is that his catch phrase? |
Starlord | Yeah, I find it disturbing. |
Abigail Brand | It really is. You should say something |
Starlord | Hey, Rocket!! She hates your "murdered you" thing too. |
Rocket Raccoon | It will grow on you. |
Starlord | I don't think it will. |
Rocket Raccoon | Ugh, humans! |
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