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Balloon Brigade is the boss microgame of Wario's Touch League stage in WarioWare Gold. It is a remake of Fly 'n' Fall from WarioWare: D.I.Y..


There are three Tiny Warios, each floating in midair from a balloon attached to them. The player has to pop a Tiny Wario's balloon while it is above one of the three clouds (which replace the island from Fly 'n' Fall) so that the Tiny Wario can fall down onto it. Lightning is also featured as an obstacle that has to be avoided. Levels 2 and 3 introduce pointy-beaked birds, which can pop the balloons if they touch it, although the player can tap a bird to make it disappear. In Level 3, every Tiny Wario is held by two balloons. If a Tiny Wario misses his platform or is struck by lightning, the player loses at the microgame.
