
Monthly Archives: October 2022

“Walk Like an Egyptian” – The Bangles

Last week, I slept at my usual bus stop near the beach (convenient and discreet for running water and for when nature calls), and the same BSO cop approached me at 5:20am two days in a row (plate ZCK04, SUV #5553) and told me that I was sleeping. “I was waiting for the bus, sir”. He told me that if he saw me there again the following day there, he would arrest me.

Me: “Sir, I’m here waiting for my bus.”
Him: “You were sleeping.”
Me: “Sir, I own property in Pompano”.
Him: “Then go home.”
Me: “I can’t, because your corrupt cops along with my HOA unlawfully threw me out of my own property.”
Him: “Well….”
Me: “We pay your salary, sir.”
Him: “Yeah, well I need a raise.”

What did I do? I moved my location to the bus stop in front of Flanagan’s restaurant (the last place my aunt Elaine and uncle Eugene took me to after murdering my mother, before depositing me in a fake rehab run by racketeers, that I didn’t need in January 2018). There are more alcoholics and druggies hanging out around there so I’m not really feeling it, but I’ve learned to become adaptable during this bizarre chapter of my life.

The day officers start their AM shifts at 5:30 and usually (at least in that guy’s case) seem to start a little bit earlier. I like to sleep until about 6:30 or 7, when it starts to get light out and I feel safer to begin traveling around again. However, I’ve been waking up earlier to try to be on guard for the police officers who are trying to hunt me down (the ones affiliated with Eugene’s and Elaine’s corrupt crime family associates) and catch me sleeping.

Last night I moved at about 4am to the very first bus stop I’d become acquainted with my first weekend out “on the streets”, the one by Dandee Donuts. You may recall my initial encounter with the purveyor of the donut shop. I’d ascertained that he was familiar (working) with my uncle Eugene and aunt Elaine but hiding it (like so many other people around me have done):

Local outpost for cops who like to bust my chops

This bus stop is less comfortable because it has super-elevated armrests and so you can’t really lie down on it. In the past, at all of the bus stops, I’d often come across a kindly cop who would ask us not to sleep or even to “go back to sleep”.

Anyway, I’d been leaning on my bags I’d placed alongside me and decided to read my book until 7am or so, which is when it gets light and safe enough to start walking to my first destination of the day.

I must have dozed off, because I awoke to not one, not two, but three BSO SUVs and cars, lights flashing, in front of me, seemingly heading into the parking lot of the adjacent Lester’s Diner (where, incidentally, I have been treated much more kindly and now buy coffee there when I get the change together to buy some which, admittedly, isn’t often). The formation was like that of a “kettling”. Hmmmm….wow. Yikes, I thought. No one got out to approach me or said anything to me but I stayed awake, just in case they were about to start busting my chops.

I get up to start walking away, west on Atlantic Blvd, but it was still pitch black out and I was nervous about walking by myself before sunup, so returned to bus stop. Suddenly, I pass an older guy staggering out of Dandee Donuts towards us.

“Is that your car in there?” one of the officers asked him.
The guy answered, “Yeah, why?”
“Why’d you leave it like that, then?”

Whew! What a relief! They weren’t even interested in me…apparently it was this guy who left his car in the parking lot in a dangerous state. I wondered what the car looked like…did he leave the doors open, or was there a dead body hanging out of it? I made myself chuckle aloud.

(Dear Reader, I took the situation at face value, the same as I have with many similar situations in the past, that have actually turned out to be setup dragnet operations against Yours Truly. It did occur to me that if I if do indeed have sound recording microchips in my ear , being listened to live by everyone in the CIA/top dogs of the Knights of Columbus and their mothers anyway, I might as well have a little fun.)

I began quoting the scene of the movie Smiley Face (pretty sure that movie is based on my life, y’all), where Jane tries to get away from the police officer: “It’s really bright out there, Officer”, I started chuckling.

Suddenly the officer from the third car behind says to the first, “You can’t sleep at a bus stop, can you?” I must have triggered him by being in good spirits.
“I wasn’t sleeping, sir!” I retorted, a tad triumphantly.
“Yes, you were before. I’ve been watching you all night”, he replied.
Aha! I knew he was one of the corrupt ones. So this current operation was likely about me, after all, and not the pretense of some herb’s from Dandee Donuts car left in the Lester’s parking lot, I thought to myself.

“Oh, really? Wow! I’m so flattered!!” I exclaimed incredulously. (Subtext: Nice work if you can get it. Why don’t you fight some actual crime, Officer, or is it more lucrative to hunt me, made a refugee in my own city by your corrupt police department?)
It was then that I realized that this was yet another attempt by dodgy cops to bust my chops and kick me when I was down. The Dandee Donuts guys are buddy bud with this band of BSO officers, my uncle Eugene and Manny Lopez, my boss from Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza (another clown involved in the racketeering operation against me that caused me to be homeless in the first place). They hate to see me around here – despite the fact that I’ve been living here since 2016 in good standing – and hate to see me anywhere, but especially so close to their little neighborhood donut outpost.

They shouldn’t have cosigned on with the racketeers, then! I would not have to seek refuge at any bus stop at night, I would be safe in my own property. I guess they didn’t look ahead at the possible consequences of their actions. A day late and a dollar short, I suppose.

The cop continued to whine in a sing song voice, “You’re not supposed to be at the bus stop when the buses aren’t even running yet.” (Clearly, he’d planned his entire argument in advance and didn’t want our interaction to come to a close without telling me what was what!)

Seriously, corrupt BSO cops involved in the racketeering operation against me: Go fight some real crime. Or resign and get a job doing mall security. You dishonor your brothers and sisters who serve their community honorably and you are on the wrong side of history on this one.

Now, some BSO cops have been very nice to me. These are the ones who aren’t corrupt and don’t share the vested interest of covering up their conspiring with my uncle Eugene, aunt Elaine, and the Daguanno family.

To them I say: Thank you. I appreciate your kindness and support!!!

Revelation of Method – replace the father figure of this video with a treacherous uncle, and this is just about right.

We’ve learned during this Great Awakening period that Madonna (Ciccone, the celebrity) is actually likely male – one of the EGI celebrities that was foisted on us by the Luciferians. Just like those Victoria’s Secret models, and lots of others.

Anyway, I still enjoy much of his music, including the above song. Unpacking the video for “Oh Father”, this pretty much sums up the vibe (that I felt) around these Luciferian individuals during my mother’s wake.

Some of the people who were complicit in her murder as a ritual sacrifice, aside from my remaining surviving blood relatives, who attended her wake, and/or funeral, are as follows:

  1. Charlie Fazio
  2. Marguerite Bitteti
  3. Gina Grasso-Blair
  4. Gina Grasso-Blair’s brother
  5. Jen Sullivan Kunkel
  6. Will Kunkel
  7. Elizabeth Seales
  8. Shawn Nagle
  9. Audrey Nagle
  10. Miriam Nagle
  11. Joe Azzizi
  12. Fran Azzara
  13. Linda Fetti
  14. Gail Thomas
  15. Christina Menoudakis (aka “Christina Menos”)
  16. Courtney Fennell
  17. Nadette (Last name presently forgotten)
  18. Fabienne (Last name presently forgotten)
  19. Sylvain Marchand
  20. Parents of Sylvain Marchand
  21. Joyce Shine-Mattis
  22. Carmen Matir
  23. Steven Depalo
  24. Theresa Pannicali *

Most of these people had a blast at her wake, likely because they had gotten some form of financial incentive from my uncle Eugene and the Club of Rome criminals he had worked with.

*Former choir mate from St. Anselm’s parish, Bay Ridge, NY. I’m uncertain of her level of complicity. Upon my request, she sang at my mother’s funeral. Later on in 2019, I had a phone conversation with her wherein I explained that I had been fooled by my surviving relatives, that my mother had been murdered so that my uncle could try to gain control over my inheritance, and that he belonged in prison. She suggested that I listen to some radio program that dealt with family law or something like that. She sounded sincere. However, I friend requested her on Facebook in 2021 and she did not accept, which I found suspicious.

Same necklace halves worn by Colleen and I in 6th grade, after she’d given me the “St Ends” half.

Well, right before my dad was murdered by the Club of Rome on October 14, 2010, a “friend” from grade school and intermittently throughout high school, Colleen McMahon, suddenly resurfaced in my life.

At that time she was living in Brookhaven, NY with her parents, sister, and the menagerie of children she’d acquired up to that point (a nice upgrade from the humble apartment she’d lived in in Electchester, when we first became “friends”).

Since sixth grade, Colleen had always been “hot and cold” in her “friendship” with me. She would claim that we were best friends, even going so far as to give me the “St Ends” half of a heart shaped “Best Friends” necklace pendant, and we had many sleepovers and outings together. We laughed a lot together back then. I thought that she had a great sense of humor, and we always had fun. My mother thought that she was a little bit “wild”, but since she knew her parents, she usually gave me permission to spend time with her at her apartment over in Electchester.

Later on, in high school, when I went Saint Francis Prep, she and Jen Sullivan went to Saint Agnes, but we were older then, and took buses and stuff after school and hung out. We also used to hit the local “teen club” in Mineola, known then as “The Angle”. I often felt like the third wheel because they lived close together in those projects over by Jib Lanes in Electchester over there, and I was farther away, in Jamaica Estates. Nonetheless, I had tons of fun with those girls.

(Elizabeth Seales, another girl from that group, wasn’t really around during that high school time, nor was she around during my dad’s murder, but she resurfaced later at my mother’s wake after her murder.)

Once, they met me in front of my high school with another girl named Liza and we all jumped on the city bus that I took to go home. There was a girl sitting in the seat in front of me from my class who I really didn’t know. She had long hair. She turned around and said, “Ow, my hair!” I said, Oh sorry….I guess her hair had gone over the bus seat and perhaps I had inadvertently pulled it. Forgotten…or so I thought.

Colleen acted like it was a huge insult from the girl and continued to stare at her, and tried to stir up drama with her. “What the fuck?”, she asked me, fuming. “Who the fuck is she? I saw her, you weren’t doing anything, oh my God, what a bitch”.

“Forget it Colleen, it’s not a big deal…let it go”. It was really nothing.

Apparently, right before we all got off the bus, Colleen had yanked this girl’s hair. The next thing I know, a HUGE posse of girls from Ozone Park/Howard Beach got off the bus one stop after ours, screaming at the four of us, and started chasing us.
WHAT THE FUCK? Oh yeah, Colleen didn’t tell me – she had yanked the girl’s hair, and I didn’t see her do it.

We ran down into the 179th Street train station (I jumped down an entire flight of stairs and landed on my feet) and those bitches jumped the turnstile and got away. I turned around to go home (I lived right nearby) and the whole angry mob of girls were like, we want your friend’s number, she pulled her hair, why did she do that, blah blah blah.

Loyal friend that I was, I did not give them Colleen’s phone number, despite the fact that these girls continued to harass me for months afterwards for it in school. Those girls will kill Colleen, I’d thought. Even though I was pissed at her, I did not want to be involved in her catching a serious beating.

Yeah, now I wish I had. But who knows? With her, she was always a fake friend, acting in some racket.

Fast forward: September/October 2010. Right before my father’s murder:

Colleen and I had rekindled our friendship and I was going over to her home in Brookhaven to hang out with her a lot. She would post invites on my Facebook page for a band called “Mean Machine”, and invited me to come over and spend the night. She also told me that she had joined the “NA” (Narcotics Anonymous) program and had me accompany her to meetings when she got her key tags and all that stuff. (Now I know that most Twelve Step programs are no more than fronts for CIA agents, but I didn’t even realize that back then.) For someone who allegedly was “working the program” and trying to stay “clean”, she certainly smoked a lot of weed, I thought. Now I also realize that like many of my other “friends” from the past, she had a vested interest in getting me to partake in drugs and alcohol – anything that would blunt my perceptions so that I’d be less likely to pick up on their true intent and machinations.

The day they tested my dad’s electronic defibrillator, Colleen had scheduled me to go somewhere with her and pick me up at my family home in Babylon, west of her family’s home. When I arrived home later that afternoon, my father had told me that the defibrillator had “fired”, and the force of it had actually thrown him out of his bed and onto the floor.

A week or so later, it had fired again, killing him.

I now realize that Colleen was working for someone who had instructed her (and her family) to keep close tabs on me and monitor me during that time.

She was also how I met my first real boyfriend, Adam, when I was sixteen years old. I will probably save that story for a later post.

Like Colleen, Jen Sullivan was also a fake friend to me. In my thirties, I admired the way Jen’s life seemed to have turned out and would often go to visit her and spend time with her and her three school aged boys. This increased after the death of my father, which I’d still believed was due to natural causes. (Like most of the people close to my mother and I back then, she knew that it was not, but said nothing to me to disabuse me of my erroneous belief.) We would bake brownies, drink coffee, and gossip. We blew up each others’ Facebook pages during this time with things like silly skits from SNL and other things that made us laugh.

Occasionally, her husband Will (Kunkel) would pass through. I wonder if his parents came to this country through Operation Paperclip. But I digress.

Fast forward to the Thanksgiving holiday, 2017. All these things can be seen just by looking at my texts and Facebook posts from that time, and phone transcripts, which I’m pretty sure have been preserved.

I had flown up to New York from Florida and was staying at my mother’s apartment in Bay Terrace for about ten days (the one that her brother Eugene basically forced her to move to so that she’d be even further under his thumb right before he’d planned to kill her). I tried to make plans with Jen because – heck, I was going to be in town for ten days! I had also planned to visit my treacherous aunt, uncles, and cousins on my father’s side, but interestingly, neither Jen nor any of my father’s relatives were available at any point during that time! Looking back now, it’s like, duh, but I remember being really disappointed. I think she’d blamed her lack of availability on activities of her sons or something.

Anyway, fast forward to my mother’s wake, after her murder (I was under the Stockholm Syndrome spell during that time, and had believed the staged scene that they had acted out for me, when in actuality they had farmed her organs and blood before poisoning her). Jen arrived and was giddy and acting like she was at the prom or something, laughing and talking about her son Liam having a party while she and Will were out of the house.

I remember Will and Shawn Nagle (my cousin Candice’s husband) sat down and got along like a house on fire. I hadn’t even known that they were friends, but then Jen explained that they had been schoolmates at Molloy High School. All the people at my mother’s wake had such a great time – except for me, that is.

I’ll write about that scene in more detail further down the line.

Lindenhurst Funeral Home

The day they tested my dad’s electronic defibrillator, my old grade and high school “friend” Colleen McMahon had made plans with me to go somewhere with her and picked me up. When I arrived home, my father had told me that the defibrillator had “fired”, and the force of it had actually thrown him out of his bed and onto the floor.

I know now that Colleen was working for someone who had instructed her (and her family) to keep close tabs on me and monitor me during that time. Always “hot and cold” with our friendship, she was suddenly real buddy-bud with me during the leadup to my father’s murder. Then – afterwards – you guessed it, she cooled off and pretty much ghosted me. (While we are no longer on each other’s Facebooks, you can see from the posts and timelines how exactly they approached it. The servers have preserved everything.)

At my father’s wake, in addition to the blood relatives you all know about who were complicit, the following (complicit) individuals were also there:

  1. Ben Daguanno
  2. Marcella Maiuri
  3. Marcella Maiuri’s father
  4. Charlie Fazio
  5. Colleen McMahon
  6. Patrick McMahon
  7. Michelle Castrataro Natalucci
  8. Fabio Natalucci
  9. Marguerite Bitetti
  10. Steven DePalo

There were others. They just don’t presently come to mind.

My “friend” Michelle Castrataro was from Stony Brook University, and she actually invited me to be in her wedding party at her marriage to Italian-born, Milan resident Fabio Natalucci, of whom she was very proud, because, as she never missed an opportunity to tell me, “He works for the Federal Reserve.”

This was a couple who devoted a photo album I gifted them with for their engagement to their dog, “Roma” (Dear Reader, by now you have surely connected the dots of my anecdotes and do not need me to tell you that all roads lead to Rome. As in, the Club Of. Right?)

Michelle “LYLAS!” (Love You Like A Sister!) Castrataro is a “friend” I’ll give literary treatment to in another post. She and Fabio had driven all the way up to Long Island from Virginia, because I was such a good friend and they had to be there for me. Fantastic actress, definitely.

Colleen McMahon, a “hot and cold friend” (I know now she had been following orders to monitor and “keep me close” before and right after my dad’s murder) is another “friendship” I’ll reflect upon in a subsequent post.

I remember I was really creeped out that Ben was hanging out around my dad’s coffin in between viewings. We never liked having him around us or in our presence, because we always intuitively knew how evil he was.

Marguerite, one of my mother’s “hot and cold” friends, was there, acting the part of a loyal friend. “Why isn’t Bernadette here?” I remember her asking. She pretended she was so upset for us, too. (Yeah, right.) She acted the same way with me, years later after they murdered my mother.

I’ve been spending most nights at a bus stop much like this one.

It’s really depressing, but there are some men who approach me at the bus stop thinking that I’m desperate to get into a house, any house, any shelter….and will do whatever it takes.

Recently, I met this one older guy who seemed nice, bought me some snacks from Walgreens: protein bars, Reeses cups, Hostess cupcakes, water, and cookies. I’ll call him Donnie.

The next day, Donnie came by at 11ish after his shift at a local superstore. We chatted about his adult children, who never visit him (it’s their loss!) the fact that I don’t “belong out here” (you got that right!) and a few other topics.

I initially saw him as a fatherly, caring type. This was ruined by his remark that, “If it ever gets too bad out here, you can come over, we can stay on my sofa bed.”

Which got me reflecting on the following truth: Somewhere out there on a sofa bed with a man she doesn’t want to be with, a woman is saying to herself, “If it ever gets too bad here, I can always stay at the bus stop.”

The next night, he stopped by and announced he’d be going to Walgreens, did I want anything? Um yeah actually, I ventured. I could really use a book. A book? Yeah, it’s a nice distraction, it gets boring out here. It’s a nice escape.

Dear readers, Donnie came back to me with a copy of Readers’ Digest. For $4.95? He could have bought me a decent drug store novel. After the 5 minutes it took me to peruse the dross in that publication, I promptly trashed it. (I was going to bring it to the local soup kitchen, but it was filled with propaganda about the plandemic and the Ukraine, and I really didn’t want to foist that trash onto my presently unfortunate, downtrodden brothers and sisters.)

Apparently this guy, like so many others, see homeless-appearing women as a great opportunity to get laid with none to minimal effort.

(As if!)

Dr. Michael M. Mannino, Saint Francis Heart Hospital

This guy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, like so many Rockerfellerian doctors.

You might, like my parents and I, read his abstract in US News and World Report, and think that he is an asset to humanity, a Catholic medical practitioner, and someone to respect:

You would be wrong.

I suspect that this man is a member of the Knights of Columbus, which was instrumental in effectuating the genocide of my parents and Uncle Jack (and wanted to kill me too). It all connects back to the Jesuits and Club of Rome….the Vatican. Anyway.

This guy convinced my parents that my fantastic, intelligent, kind, and gifted father had a genetic heart malfunction called Congestive Heart Failure. This was in the late 1980s.

He preemptively installed a “defibrillator” into my father’s chest by his heart chambers, for the purpose (he’d lied) of “shocking” his heart back into function if, because of his genetic condition, it was too weak and stopped beating. The whole thing was a fucking lie.

On October 14, 2010, after a couple of preemptive test shocks that both frightened and hurt my father, shocking him out of my parents’ marital bed in the home that they’d shared in Babylon, NY, he was killed by one of the shocks.

This was by design. The Knights of Columbus had waited until my father had been retired for some time, his assets and life insurance policies were robust, and who knows why else (I’m sure someone does, hopefully I will learn soon). The women they were married to and had as daughters posed as friends of my mother, and operated out of Queens and Long Island, and formed a fake religious group out of a church in Douglaston called the Third Order Carmelites.

I recall the time leading up to my father’s murder quite vividly. I hope that my next series of posts will largely deal with these memories, the complicit individuals, and what they had both my mother and myself believing and doing during this time.

My Dad & I, around 1995. I think this was his birthday or Father’s Day.
Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers (Genesis 37)

Today I enjoyed the morning service at First Baptist Church again, and have to say that I’ve had a change of heart about many of the people involved in the ministry there. My initial impressions were awash with resentment at my situation, and the structures that create and perpetuate homelessness. I formed initial impressions largely colored by that (I’m only human, after all). However, I have since been blessed to form relationships with people there and hear inspiring pastoral messages rooted in the Bible, and also to get some good literature to take with me and read during the week, where the messages can take root after I reflect on them a bit.

Anyway, I’ve become friends with a guy I’ll call Bramford, who I respect, in part because he is a Vietnam veteran, and my mother had taught me to have empathy for these men, because they came back to a country expecting to be treated as heroes, but were instead betrayed by many Americans who’d bought into the Hollywood/pop culture ethos at the time, which called them baby killers and whatnot – totally opposite of the way we treated our returning soldiers from World Wars I and II, she had said. In fact, before she married my father, she had dated a very good looking young man named Brian who had served in Vietnam. When he returned from Vietnam, she had said, he had changed. She didn’t share all the details with me, but I think what really happened was that he did not propose to her as she’d expected he would, and subsequently broke her heart. Now, I suspect that the truth is that my uncle Eugene had actually warned him away from her, because he, my aunt Elaine, and my father’s brothers and sisters were hatching a plot to sell her and my father into modern-day slavery.

Anyway, this morning Bramford and I were chatting over our meal after the church service and I shared with him that my uncle had murdered my father. (Which uncle, you might say – ha ha.) At the moment, I was referring to my uncle Victor. Without wanting to enumerate all the sensationalized aspects of the story, I really wanted a shorthand way to tell him what had happened to my father. I said, “My father was killed by his brothers and sister, like Joseph in the Bible”.

I obviously hadn’t realized all this stuff until lately, but now that I realize that there is indeed nothing new under the sun, I can surmise that my father was probably my grandpa Frank’s favorite (I never met my Grandpa Frank), and his sister and brothers were probably jealous of that. While not completely analogous in every detail, I think the overarching story of Joseph and Pasquale, my father, are pretty similar:

Joseph and Pasquale were favored by their parents.
Joseph and Pasquale had siblings that were jealous of them.
Joseph and Pasquale unwisely trusted their siblings, who meant to do them harm.
Joseph and Pasquale were both sold into slavery by their siblings.
Joseph and Pasquale were targeted for murder by their siblings.

I don’t know all of the details, but connecting the dots, this likely seems to be the case.

You say the world is getting rid of her demons
I said, Baby, what have you been smoking?

-Tori Amos “Upside Down”

Sooooo many demons been coming at me, y’all! Nothing is new there – only since the “veil” has lifted have I been so aware of it.

Even people that profess Christianity, like Irene, have had demons come at me (you read my other blog entries about how she bore false witness against me, and started freaking out at me for eating whole, not half donuts, right?)

About two weeks ago, right before ignoring Irene again in church, yet another person told me about Irene’s lie. It was, as he said, very colorful and detailed, and he heard it “right out her mouth”. She said that I had been sleeping next to her on the bench, as always, and suddenly she had felt my hand start to go up her dress. She then (according to this story that she’s taken on the road), grabbed my hand so hard that she “almost broke the hand”, and said sternly, in her Bahamian accent: “What are you doing?”

Meanwhile, you read about what the falling out was truly about, right? Ok. I had resolved to confront her on the free bus in front of lots of people, or at least make an announcement about what had really happened publicly, in her presence. However, she made herself scarce last week and didn’t even take any of the bus rides I did. Hurricane Ian was last week (thank God it affected this area minimally and just basically cancelled a day of food outreach and library programs, plus I had to change where I usually sleep, an open air but partially covered bus stop, to a covered abandoned storefront next to the local Publix. That kind of sucked, because there were lots of crackheads and drunks there all thrown together, but thankfully it was only for one or two nights.) I didn’t get to do the public service announcement I’d hoped to, but I was able to go from person to person to set the story straight (no pun intended, ha ha). (Not really my style, but better than nothing. No worse than the manner in which she’d tried to besmirch my reputation, at any rate.) The kicker was, and I think the piece she really wouldn’t have wanted to come out, was the truth about her feelings about George, and the fact that she was afraid I was going to try to take him from her or something, which also begs the question of, Are they actually dating? Does he consider her a girlfriend? To which everyone around here was like, oh wow, they’re not dating, etcetera, etcetera….so she’d have done well not to mess with my reputation and make up such a boldfaced lie about me.

Okay so…flash forward. Autumn, the crack-addicted homeless woman who turns tricks I wrote about in mid August has actually chilled out towards me, and I don’t see her as much. Plus, she is also now pregnant, which may have mellowed her out. However, nature abhors a vacuum, doesn’t it?

Enter Sunday, another crack-addicted homeless woman, who also turns tricks. Her voice is gravelly and she sounds like something from The Exorcist. Lately she’s taken to calling me a bitch, telling me to back off when we are both on line for something (usually some kind of free bagged dinner somewhere), and warning me not to even think about getting off the bus before her, etcetera. Mind you, I have never actually spoken to Sunday, much less ever done anything to her.

Last week at the bus station she warned me that she “knows where I sleep” and that she would kill me. She told me to leave her neighborhood. I told her that it was my neighborhood, and that I was protected by forces that she wasn’t prepared to deal with. Fortunately, right after this encounter, a man that I’ll call Bramford came onto the bus, sat down next to me, and proceeded to ROAST Sunday in the most raw, embarrassing, no-holds-barred way. I don’t think he realized she had just threatened my life, but it was really good timing, for me anyway.

Today I had the misfortune to sit in front of her again on the free bus (it was one of the only open seats left) and she started again calling me a bitch, etcetera, etcetera…then actually told me again, in front of a full bus: “I know where you sleep. I’m going to kill you, you should be scared. It’s nothing to get a match and gasoline. You should be scared, bitch.” I reiterated the same sentiments I’d told her last week, adding talk like “Get behind me Satan, I bind all demonic spirits and demons and cast you back to hell”, etcetera. She didn’t like that. I told her that I was protected by forces that she wasn’t prepared to deal with. She exploded on me, “Don’t even talk to me, bitch!” “You’re talking to me! Don’t even talk to me!” I clapped back. I told her to go fawk herself (then I apologized to Spence, our Christian-music playing driver, for my language). Lastly, I told her that she has absolutely nothing that I want, so she should not consider me a threat to her whatsoever.

My point is that these demons are all over the place lately. I guess they always were! I just recognize it now. I’m not saying that I think I’m inherently better than these women, nor is my background squeaky clean. However, I read lately that we are not battling the people themselves, but the demons that are in them. It’s obviously so true. Plus now I’m no Bible thumper or anything, but I’ve definitely been praying more and trying to walk uprightly in the world – you know, putting on the full armor of Christ and all of that. I don’t care how lame that sounds to anyone, it’s true. I know how many people wanted me dead, and probably still do, and I want to stay alive. Plus even more importantly, I don’t want to fall victim to the wiles of Satan and all his minions again – like I did when my “family” (extended relatives) and “friends” (fake friends working for them) tried to get me addicted to drugs, strung out, unaware of what was really going on with my parents and in my own life, and later convincing me (for a time, anyway) that my parents and uncle had actually died from natural causes from the years of 2010-2018. Thank God I had eyes to see, He awakened my pineal gland, and I saw their natures for what they really were. It was just in the nick of time. I’d rather keep my soul and not be all screwed. God’s mercies are new every morning, true, but there are so many pragmatic advantages to living righteously, or at least striving to (no one’s perfect).

Here is a YouTube video that I saw that pretty much makes me realize the true nature of the spiritual world that we’re living in:

courtesy of MarcTheMessenger via YouTube

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