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Showing 1-20 of 21,340 results
  1. Isolated Neutron Stars

    Non-accreting neutron stars display diverse characteristics, leading us to classify them into several groups. This chapter is an observational driven...
    Alice Borghese, Paolo Esposito in Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics
    Reference work entry 2024
  2. Isolated Neutron Stars

    Non-accreting neutron stars display diverse characteristics, leading us to classify them into several groups. This chapter is an observational driven...
    Alice Borghese, Paolo Esposito in Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics
    Living reference work entry 2024
  3. Neutron Stars

    Neutron stars are highly compact astrophysical objects and therefore of utmost relevance to learn about theories of gravity. Whereas the proper...
    Chapter 2023
  4. Fundamental Physics with Neutron Stars

    Neutron stars are rich laboratories of multiple branches of modern physics. These include gravitational physics, nuclear and particle physics,...
    Joonas Nättilä, Jari J. E. Kajava in Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics
    Reference work entry 2024
  5. Electrobaryonic axion: hair of neutron stars

    Axion-like particles are predicted in many physics scenarios beyond the Standard Model (SM). Their interactions with SM particles may arise from the...

    Yang Bai, Carlos Henrique de Lima in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 28 May 2024
  6. Effects of dark matter on the spontaneous scalarization in neutron stars

    Dark matter, an important portion of compact objects, can influence different phenomena in neutron stars. The spontaneous scalarization in the...

    Fahimeh Rahimi, Zeinab Rezaei in The European Physical Journal C
    Article Open access 01 October 2024
  7. Scalarized hybrid neutron stars in scalar tensor gravity

    Hybrid neutron stars, the compact objects consisting hadronic matter and strange quark matter, can be considered as the probes for the scalar tensor...

    Fahimeh Rahimi, Zeinab Rezaei in The European Physical Journal C
    Article Open access 24 July 2024
  8. Skyrme-Like Λ Hyperonic Interactions and Neutron Stars Properties


    At high densities that are achieved in neutron stars, there may be additional sensitivity to certain properties of the baryonic interaction....

    D. E. Lanskoy, S. A. Mikheev, ... T. Yu. Tretyakova in Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters
    Article 04 December 2023
  9. Neutron Stars as Extreme Gravity Probes

    Neutron stars are powerful probes into the extremes of physics. In this chapter, we will discuss how observations of neutron stars, either in...
    Chapter 2024
  10. Neutron stars in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model

    We utilize the top-down holographic QCD model, the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model, in a hybrid setting with the SLy4, soft chiral EFT and stiff chiral...

    Lorenzo Bartolini, Sven Bjarke Gudnason in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 28 November 2023
  11. Neutron Stars and Black Holes as Natural Laboratories of Fundamental Physics


    The statistics of particles with half-integer spin was constructed in 1926 in the works of E. Fermi and P. A. M. Dirac. Soon after, it was...

    Article 18 August 2024
  12. Spontaneous scalarization in proto-neutron stars

    Proto-neutron stars are born when a highly evolved and massive star collapses under gravity. In this paper, we investigate the spontaneous...

    Fahimeh Rahimi, Zeinab Rezaei in The European Physical Journal C
    Article Open access 11 April 2023
  13. Quantum vortices in fermionic superfluids: from ultracold atoms to neutron stars.

    Superfluid dilute neutron matter and ultracold gas, close to the unitary regime, exhibit several similarities. Therefore, to a certain extent,...

    Piotr Magierski, Andrea Barresi, ... Gabriel Wlazłowski in The European Physical Journal A
    Article Open access 16 September 2024
  14. Constraints on the dense matter equation of state from young and cold isolated neutron stars

    Neutron stars are the dense and highly magnetic relics of supernova explosions of massive stars. The quest to constrain the equation of state (EOS)...

    A. Marino, C. Dehman, ... D. Viganò in Nature Astronomy
    Article 20 June 2024
  15. A constraint on the dissipative tidal deformability of neutron stars

    The gravitational waves emitted by neutron star binaries probe the physics of matter at supranuclear densities. During the late inspiral, tidal...

    Justin L. Ripley, Abhishek Hegade K R, ... Nicolás Yunes in Nature Astronomy
    Article 19 July 2024
  16. Fundamental Physics with Neutron Stars

    Neutron stars are rich laboratories of multiple branches of modern physics. These include gravitational physics, nuclear and particle physics,...
    Joonas Nättilä, Jari J. E. Kajava in Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics
    Living reference work entry 2023
  17. Hypernuclei and Neutron Stars with Charge Symmetry Breaking Hyperonic Potential


    In this paper, we propose a method of taking charge symmetry breaking (CSB) in hypernuclei and neutron stars into account within the...

    D. E. Lanskoy, S. A. Mikheev, ... T. Yu. Tretyakova in Moscow University Physics Bulletin
    Article 01 October 2023
  18. Gapless neutron superfluidity in the crust of the accreting neutron stars KS 1731−260 and MXB 1659−29

    The interpretation of the thermal evolution of the transiently accreting neutron stars MXB 1659−29 and KS 1731−260 after an outburst is challenging,...

    Valentin Allard, Nicolas Chamel in The European Physical Journal A
    Article 29 May 2024
  19. Quasi-periodic sub-pulse structure as a unifying feature for radio-emitting neutron stars

    Magnetars are highly magnetized rotating neutron stars that are predominantly observed as high-energy sources. Six of this class of neutron star are...

    Michael Kramer, Kuo Liu, ... Ben W. Stappers in Nature Astronomy
    Article Open access 23 November 2023
  20. Equation of State of Hypernuclear Matter and Neutron Stars

    These lectures contain a pedagogical introduction to the equation of state of nuclear matter and to the structure of neutron stars. Particular...
    A. Rios, A. Polls, ... I. Vidaña in The Hispalensis Lectures on Nuclear Physics Vol. 2
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