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Showing 1-20 of 34,686 results
  1. Wilsonian effective potentials and closed string field theory

    We investigate Wilsonian effective field theory as a model for the construction of the tachyon potential and nonperturbative vacua in closed string...

    Theodore Erler, Atakan Hilmi Fırat in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 02 February 2024
  2. Bootstrapping closed string field theory

    The determination of the string vertices of closed string field theory is shown to be a conformal field theory problem solvable by combining insights...

    Atakan Hilmi Fırat in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 23 May 2023
  3. Open string field theory with stubs

    There are various reasons why adding stubs to the vertices of open string field theory (OSFT) is interesting: the stubs can not only tame certain...

    Martin Schnabl, Georg Stettinger in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 04 July 2023
  4. Open-closed string field theory in the large N limit

    We use the new nilpotent formulation of open-closed string field theory to explore the limit where the number N of identical D-branes of the starting...

    Carlo Maccaferri, Alberto Ruffino, Jakub Vo��mera in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 19 September 2023
  5. The ZZ annulus one-point function in non-critical string theory: A string field theory analysis

    We compute the ZZ annulus one-point function of the cosmological constant operator in non-critical string theory, regulating divergences from the...

    Dan Stefan Eniceicu, Raghu Mahajan, ... Ashoke Sen in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 27 December 2022
  6. Effective interactions of the open bosonic string via field theory

    We describe a method to extract an effective Lagrangian description for open bosonic strings, at zero transcendentality. The method relies on a...

    Lucia M. Garozzo, Alfredo Guevara in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 02 July 2024
  7. The nilpotent structure of open-closed string field theory

    In this note we revisit the homotopy-algebraic structure of oriented bosonic open-closed string field theory and we give a new compact formulation in...

    Carlo Maccaferri, Alberto Ruffino, Jakub Vošmera in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 22 August 2023
  8. Adding stubs to quantum string field theories

    Generalizing recent work by Schnabl-Stettinger and Erbin-Fırat, we outline a universal algebraic procedure for ‘adding stubs’ to string field...

    C. Maccaferri, R. Poletti, ... B. Valsesia in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 02 August 2024
  9. The closed string field theory action vanishes

    Using the dilaton theorem, we show that the classical action of closed string field theory vanishes on-shell.

    Theodore Erler in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 10 October 2022
  10. Bootstrapping string theory EFT

    We study the space of open string effective field theories by combining the constraint of unitarity and monodromy relations for the four-point...

    Li-Yuan Chiang, Yu-tin Huang, He-Chen Weng in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 24 May 2024
  11. On democratic string field theories

    We reexamine democratic open string field theories, namely, theories in which string fields are not constrained to a single picture number and...

    Stefano Giaccari, Michael Kroyter in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 02 May 2024
  12. Starobinsky inflation from string theory?

    Starobinsky inflation is currently one of the best models concerning agreement with cosmological data. Despite this observational success, it is...

    Max Brinkmann, Michele Cicoli, Pietro Zito in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 06 September 2023
  13. The classical cosmological constant of open-closed string field theory

    We consider deformations of D-brane systems induced by a change in the closed string background in the framework of bosonic open-closed string field...

    Carlo Maccaferri, Jakub Vošmera in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 26 October 2022
  14. A string theory for two dimensional Yang-Mills theory. Part I

    Two dimensional gauge theories with charged matter fields are useful toy models for studying gauge theory dynamics, and in particular for studying...

    Ofer Aharony, Suman Kundu, Tal Sheaffer in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 09 July 2024
  15. Towards Early Dark Energy in string theory

    Early Dark Energy (EDE) is a prominent model to resolve the Hubble tension, which employs a dynamical axion with a periodic potential. In this work,...

    Evan McDonough, Marco Scalisi in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 20 October 2023
  16. Worldsheet formalism for decoupling limits in string theory

    We study the bosonic sector of a decoupling limit of type IIA superstring theory, where a background Ramond-Ramond one-form is fined tuned to its...

    Joaquim Gomis, Ziqi Yan in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 11 July 2024
  17. Non-relativistic heterotic string theory

    In this work we consider heterotic-gravity as the low-energy approximation to heterotic string theory. We define a consistent non-relativistic limit...

    Eric A. Bergshoeff, Luca Romano in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 24 January 2024
  18. Negative corrections to black hole entropy from string theory

    We report for the first time that in heterotic string compactified on 4-torus or equivalently IIA string compactified on K3, the leading α ′...

    Liang Ma, Yi Pang, Hong Lü in Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy
    Article 14 November 2023
  19. On odd number of fermion zero modes on solitons in quantum field theory and string/M theory

    We argue that having an odd number of Majorana fermion zero modes on a dynamical point-like soliton signifies an inconsistency in a theory with 3+1...

    Yotaro Sato, Yuji Tachikawa, Taizan Watari in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 06 September 2022
  20. String Theory

    I start describing my interaction with Bruno during my thesis and then in his group in Frascati in connection with the calculation of the total...
    Paolo Di Vecchia in Bruno Touschek 100 Years
    Conference paper Open access 2023
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