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Showing 1-20 of 119,366 results
  1. The chiral separation effect from lattice QCD at the physical point

    In this paper we study the Chiral Separation Effect by means of first-principles lattice QCD simulations. For the first time in the literature, we...

    B. B. Brandt, G. Endrődi, ... G. Markó in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 20 February 2024
  2. Lattice Quantum Gravity: EDT and CDT

    This chapter contains an overview of the use of so-called Euclidean dynamical triangulations (EDT) and causal dynamical triangulations (CDT) as...
    Jan Ambjørn in Handbook of Quantum Gravity
    Living reference work entry 2024
  3. Heavy Quarks on the Lattice

    I review the basic ideas behind lattice QCD calculations that involve charm and bottom quarks. I report on the progress in getting the correct...
    Craig McNeile in Heavy Quark Physics
  4. Lattice Approximation

    The lattice approximation gives a discrete finite dimensional approximation to Euclidean field theories. It is a useful ultraviolet cutoff. In...
    Chapter 2023
  5. Baryon Spectroscopy in Lattice QCD

    We review recent developments in the study of excited baryon spectroscopy in lattice QCD. After introducing the basic methods used to extract masses...
    D.B. Leinweber, W. Melnitchouk, ... J.M. Zanotti in Lattice Hadron Physics
  6. Observation of flat bands and Dirac cones in a pyrochlore lattice superconductor

    Emergent phases often appear when the electronic kinetic energy is comparable to the Coulomb interactions. One approach to seek material systems as...

    Jianwei Huang, Chandan Setty, ... Ming Yi in npj Quantum Materials
    Article Open access 19 September 2024
  7. Lattice Chiral Fermions from Continuum Defects

    We consider whether defects of co-dimension two could produce new lattice chiral fermions.
    H. Neuberger in Lattice Hadron Physics
  8. Point Groups

    In this chapter, we introduce point groups, which are of great importance in solid-state physics. We start with the general definition of point...
    Jörg Bünemann in Group Theory in Physics
    Chapter 2024
  9. Radiative transitions in charmonium from lattice QCD

    The coupling of various charmonium mesons to a photon is studied using lattice QCD, giving access to radiative form factors and transitions, and...

    James Delaney, Christopher E. Thomas, Sinéad M. Ryan in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 20 May 2024
  10. Fundamentals of Lattice Boltzmann Method

    Different from the traditional computational fluid dynamics based on the macroscopic Navier–Stokes equations, the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM),...
    Guoxiang Hou, Caikan Chen, ... Kai Wang in Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Chapter 2024
  11. Dynamical Conductivities for the Fermionic Lieb Lattice

    On the Lieb lattice, each unit cell contains three atoms, and its energy spectrum has a three-band structure, with a flat band touching two...

    A. S. T. Pires in Brazilian Journal of Physics
    Article 14 August 2024
  12. Phase Transitions and Lattice Systems

    A central topic in Statistical Mechanics is the theory of phase transitions. In this chapter we introduce the problem and discuss some basic rigorous...
    Sergio Cecotti in Statistical Mechanics
    Chapter 2024
  13. Studying the Influence of T2O Substitution for H2O on the Dynamic Properties, Density Maximum, and Melting Point of Ice in Terms of the Lattice Dynamics Method


    An isotopic effect arising from the substitution of superheavy water molecules for normal water molecules in ice (I h ) has been studied by...

    V. R. Belosludov, K. V. Gets, ... Y. Kawazoe in Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
    Article 01 April 2023
  14. Bootstrapping the Abelian lattice gauge theories

    We study the ℤ 2 and U(1) Abelian lattice gauge theories using a bootstrap method, in which the loop equations and positivity conditions are employed...

    Zhijin Li, Shutong Zhou in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 20 August 2024
  15. Tachyonic production of dark relics: classical lattice vs. quantum 2PI in Hartree truncation

    We study the out-of-equilibrium production of non-minimally coupled self-interacting scalar dark matter during reheating using classical lattice...

    Kimmo Kainulainen, Sami Nurmi, Olli Väisänen in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 01 October 2024
  16. Is the Lattice Fermionic Casimir Effect Universal?

    We apply the physically more appealing MIT Bag boundary conditions to study the Casimir effect on the lattice. Employing known formalism to calculate...
    Conference paper 2024
  17. Operando measurement of lattice deformation profiles of synchrotron radiation monochromator

    This study presents a new method for characterizing the thermal lattice deformation of a monochromator with high precision under service conditions...

    Yue Zhang, Zhong-Liang Li, ... Jun Hu in Nuclear Science and Techniques
    Article 08 July 2024
  18. Lattice Hamiltonian for adjoint QCD2

    We introduce a Hamiltonian lattice model for the (1 + 1)-dimensional SU( N c ) gauge theory coupled to one adjoint Majorana fermion of mass m . The...

    Ross Dempsey, Igor R. Klebanov, ... Benjamin T. Søgaard in Journal of High Energy Physics
    Article Open access 02 August 2024
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