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Showing 1-20 of 4,080 results
  1. Restricted Birkhoff Polytopes and Ehrhart Period Collapse

    We show that the polytopes obtained from the Birkhoff polytope by imposing additional inequalities restricting the “longest increasing subsequence”...

    Per Alexandersson, Sam Hopkins, Gjergji Zaimi in Discrete & Computational Geometry
    Article 16 December 2023
  2. On Convergence Rates in the Birkhoff Ergodic Theorem

    Basing on two approaches, we survey the results about convergence rates in the Birkhoff Ergodic Theorem. The first approach concerns almost...

    I. V. Podvigin in Siberian Mathematical Journal
    Article 25 September 2024
  3. On the Growth of Birkhoff Sums over a Rotation of the Circle


    Even Poincaré had constructed an example which implies the existence of an irrational rotation of the circle and a function continuous on it...

    A. V. Kochergin in Mathematical Notes
    Article 20 June 2023
  4. Hamiltonian Paradifferential Birkhoff Normal Form for Water Waves

    We present the almost global in time existence result in [ 13 ] of small amplitude space periodic solutions of the 1D gravity-capillary water waves...

    Massimiliano Berti, Alberto Maspero, Federico Murgante in Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
    Article 20 October 2023
  5. The A-integral for Riemann-measurable vector-valued functions

    We propose two possible generalizations of the A -integral within the Riemann measurable functions class and study their basic properties, relation to...

    Kirill M. Naralenkov in European Journal of Mathematics
    Article 28 May 2024
  6. A Birkhoff–Kellogg Type Theorem for Discontinuous Operators with Applications

    By means of fixed point index theory for multivalued maps, we provide an analogue of the classical Birkhoff–Kellogg Theorem in the context of...

    Alessandro Calamai, Gennaro Infante, Jorge Rodríguez-López in Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
    Article Open access 01 July 2024
  7. Lecture Notes on Birkhoff Billiards: Dynamics, Integrability and Spectral Rigidity

    A mathematical billiard is a system describing the inertial motion of a point mass inside a domain, with elastic reflections at the boundary. The...
    Corentin Fierobe, Vadim Kaloshin, Alfonso Sorrentino in Modern Aspects of Dynamical Systems
    Chapter 2024
  8. Birkhoff–James classification of norm’s properties

    Alexander Guterman, Bojan Kuzma, ... Svetlana Zhilina in Advances in Operator Theory
    Article Open access 26 April 2024
  9. On the density of Birkhoff sums for Anosov diffeomorphisms

    Let f : M → M be an Anosov diffeomorphism on a nilmanifold. We consider Birkhoff sums for a Hölder continuous observation along periodic orbits. We...

    Shaobo Gan, Yi Shi, Mingyang Xia in Science China Mathematics
    Article 03 September 2021
  10. Monotone Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems with a First Integral

    In this chapter we study the problem of Bohr/Levitan almost periodicity, almost automorphy, almost recurrence in the sense of Bebutov, recurrence in...
    Chapter 2024
  11. On Some Invariants of Birkhoff Billiards Under Conjugacy

    In the class of strictly convex smooth boundaries each of which has no strip around its boundary foliated by invariant curves, we prove that the...

    Comlan E. Koudjinan, Vadim Kaloshin in Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
    Article 01 September 2022
  12. Das Lebesgue-Integral

    Die Mängel des Riemann’schen Integrals werden durch das Lebesgue-Integral behoben. Typischerweise wird das anspruchsvollere Lebesgue-Integral im...
    Adrian Constantin in Analysis I
    Chapter 2024
  13. A classification of harmonic weak Maaß forms of half-integral weight

    We classify Harish-Chandra modules generated by the pullback to the metaplectic group of harmonic weak Maaß forms with exponential growth allowed at...

    Claudia Alfes-Neumann, Martin Raum in Research in Number Theory
    Article Open access 12 June 2023
  14. Iterative Processes and Integral Equations of the Second Kind

    Beside the general theory to operator equations and iterative processes, including existence and uniqueness of solutions, fixed point theory, local...
    Sanda Micula, Gradimir V. Milovanović in Matrix and Operator Equations and Applications
    Chapter 2023
  15. Partially Ordered Fields and Integral Domains

    The article studies the division closed partial orders on fields that are algebraic over the field of rational numbers. In particular, the maximal...

    Jingjing Ma in Order
    Article 09 July 2024
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