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Showing 1-20 of 734 results
  1. Zonal Biomes of Southern Africa

    This book is the first comprehensive account of large-scale ecosystems (biomes) of Southern Africa (defined as area south of the Kunene and Zambezi...

    Ladislav Mucina, Michael C. Rutherford in Biome Ecology
    Book 2024
  2. Insect Conservation in Australia: Why and How

    The fundamental ecological, cultural and economic roles of insects give them central importance in functioning of terrestrial and inland water...

    Tim R. New
    Book 2024
  3. Fishes of the Dakotas

    This book describes all of the fishes found in North and South Dakota, USA. It contains a description of the waters and geology of the two states,...
    Kathryn E. Schlafke, Matthew D. Wagner, ... Michael Barnes
    Book 2024
  4. Forests and Climate Change Biological Perspectives on Impact, Adaptation, and Mitigation Strategies

    This book comprehensively examines the complex relationship between forests and climate change from a biological perspective. It explores the effects...

    Hukum Singh
    Book 2024
  5. GMOs, Food Traceability and RegTech Genetically Modified Food, Traceability Systems and Blockchain as a Regulatory Technology

    The book deals with the regulation of GMOs within the context of multiple principles and interests, including food security, sustainable development,...

    Andrea Stazi, Riccardo Jovine
    Book 2024
  6. The Role of Organismal Oxidative Stress in the Ecology and Life-History Evolution of Animals

    This book illustrates the role of cellular oxidative stress as one of the most important physiological cornerstones in the evolution of biodiversity....

    David Costantini in Fascinating Life Sciences
    Book 2024
  7. Environmental Impact Assessment A Journey to Sustainable Development

    This book will cover the basic principles and salient features of EIA. The authors attempt to cover the shortcomings observed in EIA reports, the...

    Rachna Bhateria, Mona Sharma, ... Sumit Kumar
    Book 2024
  8. Phytoplankton Whispering: An Introduction to the Physiology and Ecology of Microalgae

    Phytoplankton, or algae, are the engines of the Earth. They form the base of the aquatic food web and, although microscopic, they produce 50% of the...
    Patricia M. Glibert
    Textbook 2024
  9. The Dragonfly Nymphs of Thailand (Odonata: Anisoptera) An Identification Guide to Families and Genera

    This unique work is the first reference that provides detailed descriptions of the fully developed larvae of the Odonata suborder Anisoptera,...
    Rodolfo Novelo-Gutiérrez, Robert W. Sites
    Book 2024
  10. Entropy Measures for Environmental Data Description, Sampling and Inference for Data with Dependence Structures

    This book shows how to successfully adapt entropy measures to the complexity of environmental data. It also provides a unified framework that covers...

    Linda Altieri, Daniela Cocchi in Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences
    Book 2024
  11. Handbook of the Mammals of Europe

    This introductory volume provides an overview about the history and current status of European mammals, as well as management strategies. The...
    Klaus Hackländer, Frank E. Zachos in Handbook of the Mammals of Europe
    Living reference work 2024
  12. Recent Trends and Developments in Algal Biofuels and Biorefinery

    This book presents technoeconomic challenges, recent trends, and developments toward sustainable algal biofuels and biorefinery. The exponential...

    Navneeta Bharadvaja, Lakhan Kumar, ... Raksha Anand in Environmental Science and Engineering
    Book 2024
  13. The Aegean Sea Environment The Biodiversity of the Natural System

    This is the second of three Books that together provide an integrated picture of the Aegean Sea, presenting the natural components of the system...

    Christos L. Anagnostou, Andrey G. Kostianoy, ... Grigoris Tsaltas in The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
    Book 2024
  14. Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology An Insight into Current Trends

    This book provides an in-depth exploration of microbial biodiversity and its crucial role in diverse biotechnological and industrial sectors. It...

    Pradeep Verma
    Book 2024
  15. Integrating Landscapes: Agroforestry for Biodiversity Conservation and Food Sovereignty

    This updated and expanded second edition summarizes advances in agroforestry research and practice and proposes alternatives to increase the...

    Florencia Montagnini in Advances in Agroforestry
    Book 2024
  16. Community Science in Ecology Case Studies of Public Participation in Ecological Research in Japan

    This book introduces community science (or citizen science) projects in Japan with a focus on ecology. Environments and ecosystems that have been...
    Yukari Suzuki-Ohno in Ecological Research Monographs
    Book 2024
  17. Biodiversität, Ökosystemfunktionen und Naturschutz

    Der weltweite Verlust an biologischer Vielfalt, verursacht durch eine nicht nachhaltige Nutzung von Ökosystemen, birgt schwerwiegende...
    Werner Härdtle
    Textbook 2024
  18. Sailing Across a Wounded Sea

    The capacity of humans to destroy their environment is playing out like a Greek tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea. After having coexisted with a...

    Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara
    Book 2024
  19. Big Game of Botswana The Tragic History of a Once Great Southern African Fauna

    Quoting contemporary accounts from hunters, missionaries and traders from the early nineteenth century onwards, this book illustrates the ecology of...

    Clive Spinage
    Book 2024
  20. World Atlas of Freshwater Macrophytes Dicotyledonous species I (Acanthaceae – Menyanthaceae) - Volume 1

    This book is the first volume of a compendium of the global distribution some 3500 aquatic macrophyte species occurring in inland freshwater and...

    Tatiana Lobato-de Magalhães, Kevin Murphy, ... Eugenio Molina-Navarro in Wetlands: Ecology, Conservation and Management
    Book 2024
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