In My Head

In my head
I see ruins, no more wars
Just a child crying
Searching for his mother
Sick of trying
I see bullet holes, is it peace?
Just sadness
River of blood all-around
Such madness
(In my head)
I hear silence, no more screams
Corpses all around
No more life
Such violence

(The Sun sets, the child searches
for a darker place to hide)
In my head
I see a black sky, no stars
Just the moon crying
rain washes all the blood
But the stains remain
Sick of trying
(The child is sick of trying)
Sick of trying
Sick of trying

inspired by song Zombie (originally by Cranberries)

Track all my works here


Who am I?

“Who am I?” all over my head
Conflicted between the roles I play
the true me strangled in the thread
Secrets inside lost in the chaos
hidden behind the mask
Wandering in search for life dose

Holding the knife to my neck
making me believe I am the culprit
It whispers in my ears
controlling me like a puppet
Darkness all through my veins
wrapping me like a drugget

Is it inside me
or this is who I am?
Monster or mentors
the truth, not just an anagram
What I have done unleashing my end
Conflicted between the roles I play
“Who am I?” all over my head

Track all my works here

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Although the stars shine
but not as bright as you
Like the sky after rain
clearing up my heart
Rainbows of your vivid love
colours blooming like an art
Flowers blush when you smile
etching all around your jest
Serene like the Nile
Your voice ending my quest.

Track all my works here

Silence Is What I Speak

Silence is what I speak
Look into the depth of my eyes
You’ll see another reality
detached from the illusion
Fire burning all around
fuelled by tears
Surrounded by chaotic blizzard
sprouted from fears
Grey sky hanging above
Listen to my mayday calls
Screams you can’t decipher
the vacuum between our souls
All alone with my shadows
Follow me to my solitude
through the door of wretchedness
Look beyond my smiles
Look beyond my words
’cause silence is what I speak

Track all my works here

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Pen Chained To My Soul

Pen chained to my soul
Draining my silence
through the ink
Words like fireflies
flickering with heartbeat
Angels fighting demons
poem the battlefield
Stains of blue blood
of my bleeding soul
Phrases built from tears
ardent loss and pain
which took their toll
Wry letters trembling
with my anxiety
Verses in black ink
my silhouetted darkness
which lies inside me
My breathing words
reviving strangled dreams
which were once nightmares
Pen chained to my soul
freeing me from vale of tears

Track all my works here

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Masquerading A Smile

Masquerading a smile
to fit in the chaotic happiness
Haunted by the past,
future an impossible quest
Little moments of joy
nothing but disguises
Craving for the light
the Sun never rises
Shivers and shaking hands
drugged with anxiety
Frozen with fear
Is it all inside me?
Whispers in my ears
making me insomniac
Crushing my dreams
Torturing like a maniac
In my shaken,twisted world
masquerading a smile

Track all my works here

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