Mostly unedited poetry, some novels; maybe even a thought or two

Wrong way road of life

I walk this road, and pass by a sign called life

I ponder for a moment, while others rush by

My thoughts bombard, penetrating like a knife

That I’m on a one way street, but don’t want to comply

I feel oh so alone, as the people whiz around me

Shoving right past, but not taking in the scene

It’s makes me question, do I fit into the colony

Or am I a broken cog stuck in this human machinery

As I start to wander forward, I gaze into someone’s eyes

They’re as lost as I am, confused, scared and frightened

An awkward shared smile, a hopeful surprise

Revealing we may not be broken, but in-fact enlightened.

The bombard ends, my thoughts have grown silent

My focus is no longer questions, I’m focused on our connection

Whatever is asked; I’ll now find myself complaint

Together we continue down the road; but it may be the wrong direction.

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