Handwoven TowelsSilk Scarf DesignLoom ProjectsTowel WeavingBaby Bath TowelWaffle Weave TowelsWoven PlacematsFingertip TowelsSmall TowelWarp Once, Weave Forever: Handwoven May/June 2019Take a trip down memory lane with these new WIFs in the Handwoven Library.11
Rigid Heddle Towel PatternsDirect Warping Rigid Heddle LoomWeaving Dish Towels PatternsWoven Dish TowelsWarping A Rigid Heddle LoomHand Woven Dish TowelsDiy Rigid Heddle LoomAshford Rigid Heddle LoomRidged Heddle WeavingSimple Handwoven Cotton Dish Towels - Curly-n-YarnyThose simple handwoven cotton dish towels were made using a rigid heddle loom. The pattern is easy and perfect for beginner weavers.830
Weaving Patterns LoomRigid Heddle Weaving PatternsWeaving Patterns DesignWeaving BookWeaving MachineWeaving Loom ProjectsTowel WeavingRigid Heddle WeavingWeaving DesignsOriginal Towel Draftsscarves, shawls, towels, kitchen towels, placemats, table runners, potholders, tote bags, clutches, hand woven, handwoven596
Weaving ArtistsHandwoven TowelsRigid Heddle Weaving PatternsSwedish Weaving PatternsThe View From Great IslandYarn WeavingTowel WeavingRigid Heddle WeavingSwedish WeavingAmerican Artisans: Thistle Rose WeavingThistle Rose Weaving is the fifth in my Sunday series featuring American Artisans. There are so many exceptionally talented craftspeople across the country who share a love of all things handmade, and this is my122
Tree BorderTree BordersWeaving IdeasChristmas TowelsFingertip TowelsWeaving TextilesWeaving PatternsDish TowelsJust GoDeedleDew's Tree border fingertip towels23
Weaving Patterns LoomWeaving Patterns DesignTowel WeavingWeaving DraftsHand Woven TextilesTowel PatternWeaving ProjectsWeaving PatternsLoom WeavingHand towels on four shaftsHardwearing Handtowels. This weave is lovely and very useful as a hand towel. I do not know what it is called. The two pattern blocks are in a 2/1 twill with an additional pick. The warp is one colour - unbleached cotton - so the colour is only in the weft. This means that if a long warp is put on the loom, several towels of different colours can be woven. This is a block weave. There are three blocks to treadle. The first is the border for the hem. The next two blocks alternate to form the…45
Weaving Kitchen TowelsWeaving Tea Towels PatternsTea Towel Weaving PatternsTowel Weaving Free PatternWeaving Tea TowelsHandwoven Dish TowelsWeaving Dish TowelsWeaving TowelsTea Towels CraftsThe Perfect TowelWhat makes one handwoven towel better than the next? Tracy has some theories and explains her process of weaving 'perfect' towels.107
Rigid Heddle Weaving ProjectsWeaving Patterns DesignHuck TowelsFloor LoomBasket Weaving PatternsScreen Printing ArtTowel WeavingRigid Heddle WeavingTrend ForecastTintes Naturales Huck TowelsThe Syracuse Weavers Guild challenged their members to do just this, and the results were stunning. For her entry, Nancy Smothergill chose to weave huck towels. Here’s what she had to say about the inspiration behind her Tintes Naturales Huck Towels fro53
Weaving TowelsWeave StructuresHandwoven TowelsRigid Heddle Weaving PatternsWeaving Patterns DesignWeaving Loom ProjectsTowel WeavingRigid Heddle WeavingWeaving IdeasKitchen TowelsOk, I'm guilty. These have been done for quite a while, but have been sitting on my chair-side table for a month waiting to be hemmed. I'v...62
Weave StructuresHuck TowelsWeaving BookFloor LoomLoom ProjectsWeaving Loom ProjectsTowel WeavingRigid Heddle WeavingCotton CloudsIn the Loop - Halcyon Yarn's Blog & NewsExplore Halcyon Yarn's blog, "In the Loop," for inspiring projects, expert tips, and creative ideas to elevate your crafting journey. Join our vibrant community today!89