
Dear readers and “blends” (that’s blog friends),

In a desperate effort to post daily and to keep up my mandate to write daily, I find that I’ll be taking a hiatus from time to time.  My day job takes much out of me and I want to do a good job, so writing gets done in the car (in my head) and by the time I’m home, dinner, clean-up, and prep for tomorrow happens … well the pillow calls me.  So I beg your tolerance for my excursions into poetry and other ramblings which I find much easier to wrangle than more complicated matters of character and plot.  I want to do a good job for them too.  Cheers, and as always, thanks for reading.


vacuum sucking
headache mucking
not a fucking
thing to do but wait.


drink a pill
try to chill
how much will
this cost me on time?

hit the shower
smell like flower
check out now, or
pay the price for late.

luggage packing
searching, racking
brainwaves lacking
where’s the damn keys?

engine turning
go-time yearning
anger burning
stalled again – I’m toast.
