What would you do with a little extra funding?

Make your work accessible in some crucial way - new headphone sponges, or an extra ramp somewhere? Make it more comfy to work on, getting some hand fans or pocket warmers for the cast of that outdoor experience? Maybe you'd like to take that recycling expert to lunch, to pick their brains in the name of sustainable set design?

And hey: do you like soup, and hanging out with other people who make interactive performance?

Then you're in luck: Interactive Soup is a social event, dinner, and miniature funding platform all-in-one, connecting and supporting those in interactive performance ... over soup!

A social event, dinner and funding platform all-in-one, supporting those in interactive performance
£5 for soup and a vote, will all ticket takings going to the night’s winning pitch

How does a soup work?

Tickets are £5 (which all goes into a communal pot) and gets each person two things: soup, and a vote.

During the evening, 4-5 people pitch their ideas to everyone on how to spend the communal pot. Everyone gets to mull over the pitches and eat together, before voting on which pitch they think should receive the money. The results are counted, and the winner gets the money to support their idea.

Interactive Soup is for people in the interactive performance community to socialise, hear about each other’s ideas and projects, and hopefully access various kinds of mutual support.

Get involved

Interactive Soup happens every three months, usually on the first Tuesday of the month, at Theatre Deli Leadenhall in London.

We’re taking a little break and skipping September in our schedule - so the next Soup will be in December 2024.

Sign up to our mailing list to stay up to date about tickets and opportunities to pitch.

Interactive Soup is run entirely by volunteers. If you want to help out then you can get in touch via info@rollflipdraw.co.uk.

Carving out a regular space to socialise, share ideas and support each other
Carving out a regular space to socialise, share ideas and support each other

Why this, and why for interactive performance?

It’s no secret that things are difficult across the performance industries as a whole, and whilst lockdowns might have lifted, life and work still look very different to how it was a just couple of years ago.

Our team of volunteers are all involved in interactive performance in different ways - whether it’s interactive theatre, larp, theatrical mega-games, experimental digital games or other forms.

We want to put on these soups so others in interactive performance have a regular space to offer and find all kinds of support. It won’t just be about the communal pot: people will be able to meet and share resources, arrange-skill swaps and support each other in a variety of ways.

It's also just a fun, energizing and lovely way to spend an evening.


Want to be the first to know when tickets go on sale? Or when we’re accepting pitch submissions? Subscribe to the Interactive Soup mailing list.

You’ll receive a confirmation email upon subscribing - double-check your junk folder to make sure future updates always land in your inbox.

Next Soup coming in Dec 2024

Subscribing to the InteractiveSoup mailing list is the best way of knowing what’s happening - but you can also look out for #InteractiveSoup on social media.

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