Shop in Grand Rapids
Browse the boutiques for clothes, shoes, handbags and more. Shop for jewelry, furniture, books and other miscellaneous items.
12 Pins
Locally Owned & Operated LGBTQ+ Businesses to Check Out
Grand Rapids is home to many locally owned and operated LGBTQ+ businesses, and many of them have had their doors closed for months due to the global pandemic. There is no greater time to support a local business than now, including the many LGBTQ+ options around town.
Eco-Friendly Options | Grand Rapids Sustainable Initiative
Not only is there great shopping in Grand Rapids, but there are also retail shops in the area that focus on sustainability. There are a number of sustainable and environmentally-conscious businesses in Kent County. Save the link to view a list of the shops you should visit if you're invested in sustainability. #sustainability #environment #shopping
Places for Shopping in Grand Rapids
#GrandRapids is one of America's leading entrepreneurial cities - and it's evident in the quantity and quality of our #shopping choices. Local storeowners presenting one-of-a-kind finds. Brand-name retailers offering mass-market goods. And everything in between. It's a great place to #shop for #art, #antiques, #furniture, #clothing and more. Click or save this pin to explore the #shopping #GrandRapids has to offer!
Neighborhood Comic Book Stores to Visit
If you're looking to add to your comic book collection, Grand Rapids has some options for you! Explore the different neighborhood comic book stores to see what they have to offer and how they strive to make all comic book fanatics feel welcome. #comics #comicbooks